Domain Name/Screen Video Review

Domain Name Options

I have been contemplating creating a website for a long time. It’s been a recurring thought for me, the only thing stopping me was, what is it going to be about? Honestly, I’m still not sure what it will be about, but I feel that this assignment, and the upcoming assignments will help me to decide.

Over the course of quarantine, I’ve come to find that I have many hidden talents that I did not know about. Many of my friends and colleagues have come to this realization as well. And I am humbled to say that, my website will be focused around renaissance people (people who have many skills/talents). It will be a safe space for people to read and take in stories of other people’s journeys down the renaissance road.

Possible Names For My Website:

  4. (Be The Change You Want To See)

All of these name options all revolve around the same topic, inspiring everyone to be the best version of themselves everyday. I get inspired by so many social media influencers, youtubers and entrepreneurs everyday. And I hope to inspire others like how the world inspires me. Some of my most favorite websites are of course YouTube , Inspirational Quotes Websites  and Teen Vogue Magazine .

I visit these websites frequently for much needed positivity and inspiration. I get my daily quotes, daily news and all around comedy, some of the basics necessities of life that we need more of during this pandemic. Life’s too short to have the negativity overwhelm you, rise above and be better than the things that bring you down.

My website will start off as an advice column with tips and different activities to complete. It will be an online/virtual community center, a place where people who feel different or misunderstood can come and be whoever they choose to be.

Screen Video Review

In watching the documentary on “The Internets Own Boy”, I gathered that Aaron Swartz was a much needed advocate for change. He seemed like the kind of person who would go to the lengths of challenging authority to call out the wrong-doings of society. Swartz was a brilliant person, who took learning to a whole other level from a young age. It’s almost a “one in a million” kind of effect when it comes to people like Aaron who took the initiative to be observant and analyze everything. This documentary discussing his death, just proves that most of society will destroy what they can’t and won’t understand. This just further proves that we need more people like Aaron Swartz in the world today.