Assignment #11– The Last Of CT 101

Tried something out with the title for this one haha.

It’s the end of a *really* grueling semester. So much has happened in my life over the last 15+ weeks. 

Semester Memes for University Students |

Despite all that has happened in my life during the course of the semester, I’ve procrastinated much more times than I could count. Although I knew I could make it through, life just kept getting in the way and the workload from other classes became so unbearable. Try balancing that out with working on multiple commissions on the side along with planning and performing for a talent show… it was just one thing after the next. But I had to finish the semester strong!

21 Pictures That Sum Up The End Of The Semester | Student memes, Funny photo captions, Funny pictures

I feel that I’ve maintained at least a B in this class. I was a bit behind with a few blog posts, but now I’m all caught up. Commenting on other blog posts were a challenge not because I didn’t want to, I just didn’t get to make the time to do so. However, It was truly a pleasure learning about different types of art, memes, and digital storytelling. The history behind blogging; everything is categorized separately but they all unite together to create something special.

ct 101 meme – CT101 Digital Storytelling

I was always fascinated about having my own website and using it to talk about my passions and interests and sharing my experience with others. I definitely see myself continuing on with my blog website. Since the semester is over, I have a lot more time to focus on my website. There are still a few features I am navigating through.

My published blogs:

Assignment #1 – Ramen Hacks

Assignment #2– When Words Fail, Art Speaks

Assignment #3– Are Memes Art?

Assignment #4– What I Am Passionate About

Assignment #5– Journey To The Center Of Digital Storytelling

Assignment #7– Mid Semester Reflection

Assignment #9 & #10– Domain Name, Registering: Pt. 1 & 2


The name of my website is pretty straightforward. I went with the thebrianf as the name, which is the same as my Instagram handle (@thebrianf) and it’s something easy for people to remember. There are several people I know that call me by my Instagram handle whenever they see me. My goal is to keep my blog site filled with various things I am passionate about such a pro wrestling, TV shows and movies, food and my experiences at shows, concerts and what not!


Building a website wasn’t as difficult as I made it out to be. The Zoom recordings were very helpful. Something that felt very frustrating  became much easier to do with guidance and practice. I guess it’s my patience haha. Once I started playing around with the site, it all worked out well.


2 thoughts on “Assignment #11– The Last Of CT 101”

  1. Thank you, thank you!
    Well said and a great overall semester!
    I appreciate the commitment to the course work and finishing strong!
    I think your final grade is on the higher end, but thank you for the self evaluation honesty!
    Happy Holidays!

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