The first day of the CT 101 class, I didn’t think much of it because I already took CT201 with Professor Seslow so I had similar expectations to last semester. I believe that this course would be a better introduction course compared to CT201, which it is.

I understood the main goal of this course and the creative content that we would all go through and look at. I feel like that if you keep with the pace of the course, you can learn many interesting things that would benefit you in the future. I like the idea that we are able to use gifs in our assignments to express how we feel about a certain topic.

Compared to my other classes that I am taking this semester, CT101 is a nice well-rounded course that allows me to step back and look at other types of content. This course is a nice refresher with having Professor Seslow take us through this course. The other course that I am currently taking is geared towards my major is Information Systems. As this course being a different topic compared to information systems allows for me to relax and see a different perspective of digital content.
The creative potentials of this class as discussed before would be to create blog posts, the use of gifs, creating a website, and learning about digital technology. I believe that this class would allow students to express their minds on how creative they can be. They can express their thoughts by using gifs and animated pictures rather than using words.

I believe that the Internet provides us with a lot of new information that would allow us to gain new skills. From a few clicks away, you can search anything up on the Internet and can have information show on your screen instantly. This allows us to acquire any type of knowledge from the comfort of our own homes.

So far so good!
Keep going!
We need to embed a video, add hyperlinks for context and reference any links included in the assignment criteria, you got this! Lets revise and push it forward!
Thank you!
I agree with you in regards how this course allows us to step-back and look at other contents. It is a very expressive course. Defenetely looking forward to learning more!
I agree that the objective of this course is to create content through your interests. Using GIFs can indeed tell a story as well as words can
yessss indeed!