Assignment #2: Speaking through Gifs!

Having a class that allows you to use your creative talents in order to get an A? Shocking and incredibly exciting. Coming into my first day of my CT 101, I was confused on what to expect in regards to criteria for the class, on how the assignments were assigned and due. Our first assignment was about what WE were excited about throughout the week which I thought was awesome because this class goes more into than just doing work for a grade. Ryan as a professor allows you to actually talk about something that you’re passionate about and I think that is one of my favorite things about this course: the flexibility to still have a criteria that is educational but also fun.
When hearing about the course and its creative content, it was shocking at first and I didn’t believe that this class could be this easy to pass with just using your own thoughts and ideas to explain something in class. I thought there had to be some sort of catch on using memes, gifs, videos etc to express yourself in a educational setting.
I never had a class that has allowed me to express myself through memes! It is unheard of through the college experience until I took this class. With the rest of my classes this semester, I am a Journalism major so I usually am writing stories that needs to be formatted in a certain way and is mostly fact based with interviews etc. With this class, I get to be more creative and express more of myself into the writing than what I would do in my other classes. GIFS can be useful in knowledge and this article tells you more about how GIFS are used in an educational setting.
animated gif of a fun dance
With CT 101, I am able to navigate different emotions through the tools that we’re using like GIPHY, Imgur, Make a Meme etc. With all these applications that we’re using, we are going to be able to have a different way of expressing ourselves to people and we can also use these in order to show a different way of communicating outside of this class and being creative and risky in other classes.
Using these internet tools have me excited. Within this post, I’ve used GIPHY as my main site for the gifs I’ve used today. I was able to find gifs that I connected with how I was feeling about this course in itself! This is class is going to be amazing because GIFS are ideal in expressing yourself and I cannot wait to see how others use GIFS to express their own opinions and ideas.

5 thoughts on “Assignment #2: Speaking through Gifs!”

  1. Good work!
    Nice selection of GIFs!
    Lets keep going on this, it would be great to see how you are referencing the the GIF history essays as well as some screen shots from how you tinkered with Giphy and Imgur, check out the assignment details again and see what can be added to this post – remember, my posts are always examples of the number of media types and embeds make up a great post, we can always add more as we go!
    Reply to this post once the revision is made, thank you!

  2. I love the gifs you selected to use for this assignment. The Internet is full of all kinds of digital art and humor. Personally I like cartoon gifs like kirby, scooby doo, mario, and many more that I can’t think of right now. In my high school I would try to incorporate gifs into my presentations any chance I got even if it did not relate to the task I was assigned. I’m excited to see the creativity we all come up with for this course.

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