Memes are an art form that has developed in the last decade from just simple pictures and captions to now being able to be the center of A lot of social media trends for example Dogecoin started out as a simple meme of a dog and a joke but slowly over time became one of the most profitable Bitcoins and to think it all evolved from just a simple meme of a dog which just goes to show how much something can evolve in the span of such a short amount of time comparatively speaking when end the era of Technology as a lot can happen within a decade
Meme culture can also be perceived as negative as many people are making memes of serious topics which makes light of issues that are relevant and instead chooses to look at the more comical side which in some cases can be offensive to parties affected I feel like it’s always important to know because it is often seen as something positive can turn into something negative as often with internet culture these days a lot of things are just part of the trend and no one takes serious issues that seriously as people once did
Ultimately though I feel as memes have their place and there if you in the right fashion can convey ideas across many different languages and cultural barriers and are still a staple of modern-day communication it will be interesting to see how memes grow and develop as time goes on
I agree on your opinion about because memes have their place, and that they can communicate ideas across many various languages and cultural boundaries if used correctly. Really great post. I love the gifs! Try to use more hyperlink.
Good work on this!
I really like the descriptions and examples that you have stated here!
A few suggestions and edits that you can make – it would be great to see a few hyperlinks added for context that go beyond your personal expression. The assignment details listed several essays and articles about memes that you can reference and draw from.
I suggest spreading out the gifs and meme based images so that the imagery coincides with each paragraph of writing – this helps the reader a lot –
This link below also needs to hyperlinked so that it can redirect upon clicking on it –
Please let me know if I can help you with anything – forward motion!
Thank you!
oops – this is the link – https://