Creativity is when I get to make something, which is almost every day. It can be a piece of writing such as an article for the newspaper or a creative writing class. Besides words, a common factor between these two types of writing is spending time piecing together everything like a puzzle.

Immediacy is having to get something done before the deadline. For me, this has always been a double-edged sword. I love procrastinating and doing work at the last minute. I think I’ve done some of my best work under this pressure. But, on the other hand, I don’t like it when I have multiple projects due or some last-minute thing comes up and prevents me from sticking to my last-minute schedule.

Intuition is when I recognize if a situation is good or bad. You can call it vibes or a gut feeling. This is a far cry from using logic to make a decision. Instead, it is all about getting in touch with your feelings.

In fact, all of the above concepts are interesting in that they are not governed by logic but rather your emotions.

I have moments where I become hyper-aware that I am alive. It is always very surreal realizing where you are and that you are essentially confined to a body. It can mess with your head a little.
Being alive to me is more than the definition of breathing or existing. It is all the little pockets of time that I enjoy BBQing with my family every Memorial Weekend or defeating a difficult video game boss, crying at K-Drama, and ziplining through a forest. This is one of my favorite songs that perfectly encapsulates this idea of just living life.
When I started this post, I had no idea what to create for my But just sitting with my thoughts (scary, I know) and thinking through the questions, I was able to narrow it down a little.

Hello Niko, really good content edits, I liked how you flowed through to each objective. I do recommend you add some hyperlinks to the first few paragraphs of your post. Your web pages looked very creative, you added embedded videos and a background image which worked really nice.
Good work!
Hey Zia! Thanks! I tried to figure out what links I could add but kept coming up empty. Do you have any suggestions?
Hi Niko, I liked how you described writing as piecing a puzzle together, I’ve never thought about it that way before. Also you mentioned that creativity, immediacy and intuition are ruled by emotions instead of logic, I thought that was interesting.
I love The Nights by Avicii too, here’s a cool clip I saw of two guys playing it:
Hey Tiandra, thanks! Those guys are incredibly talented. They were in complete harmony, and I didn’t want the song to end, lol