Assignment 7


I think overall im doing good in the class. Im learning as i go. 😀


The skills i pick up throughout this course was learning more about gifs rather using the ones i normally use. I explore difffrent ones and or make new memes which is creative.

I personally didnt know this class exist to be honest until i registered for it and im glad i did.


I think im getting a A at least because i dont miss anywork i try to stay consistent.


I do see my weekly blogs getting creative. This is great for me it lets your mind grasph and think of ideas.

No, currently i dont think im missing any assignments.

Yes,i do tend to comment on other classmate works this gives us the chance to make friends.

I try to respond in class from time to time i rather hear what my classmates says.

Theres always room for improvement! learning is essential in everyday life.

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