To be quite honest, choosing a domain name for my website will be quite easy as I’ll most likely stick to using my real name. I want something that’ll be easy to use and type, looks kind of professional, and will really sum up everything that my website will be about: me.
So I’m most likely going to stick to:
But other potential ones might include:
My goal with my blog is to share and talking about anything from books to music, politics, social issues, journalism (as that is my major), fashion, movies, etc. These are things that I’m very passionate about and can definitely go into detail about on my blog.
Some of my favorite websites include Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr, and Youtube. All of these create a space for anything to be discussed or shown. Different ideas, topics, opinions, and that’s also the kind of platform I’d like to create on my website.
Something that I worry about, however, is figuring out the kind of design I want to do on my website and how the lengthy the process might be of creating it. I want it to look appealing to viewers; vibey and pleasing to look at to really draw them in and I think doing that will be hard to achieve.
Your name is really nice and to use for a domain name. No only does it sound nice and it looks really nice, and that is something important to consider when picking a domain name the you want to catch a large audience.