Getting started on customizing my blog, I was reminded of my tumblr days, so naturally, I took to that as my inspiration of how I wanted to edit my blog page.
I began by adding a logo and immediately changing the colors. I was not going for that red and white color scheme. I chose this picture as my logo because I wanted my blog to not only be personal but allow my viewers to feel a part of it. Going back to Tumblr, it was a blog post curated through photos and gifs. I followed those who curated photos under themes to my liking. I want my blog post now to do the same.
I went for a dark background to make the vibe more sultry and private. I contrasted with neutral colors for the rest of my blog page and also used this photo as my background. Although we were advised to use a solid color preferably, I felt that this photo was neutral in color and the textures were subtle. When I placed it as a background and saw how it looked scrolling through my blog I was very pleased. It is light and not distracting, I find it really asethetically pleasing. I guess a tip would be to play around with images and find something that is easy on the eye.
I also went ahead and added some photos off my Tumblr that followed the same theme I wanted for my blog page. If you look through the gallery under the contacts the photos are tropical, sandy, beach, and overall nature vibes. I want my page to be relaxing, and look at life through sunset colored lens. I am not sure if the gallery will stay here however, I am considering a Gallery section to the menu bar so the photos can be more organized and easy to find for my viewers enjoyment.
I you scroll down on the main page you will find that I replaced the red blocks with images I found matched with the different posts I will eventually upload. I divided them into four sections: work and days, the life I deserve, feeding the soul, and familia.
However, I have been having a hard time trying to get rid of this red block. I really don’t like it but I can’t seem to find anything that allows me to either replace or delete it so, I have just navigated around it for now.
My next steps are to add into my blogs through pictures and detailed descriptions of my four sections and create a gallery section.
Hey, I truly like your website’s inventiveness. I like all of the pictures, and they’re giving me ideas for what to put on my page. Thank you for providing inspiration.
Lol, your mention of Tumblr takes me back. ?