So this was a first for me, building a website is something I’ve thought of doing but never actually sat down and done before. It always sounds so intimidating and I think that might have been one of the things adding to my nervousness about this assignment. Yet, here we are I’ve finally taken my first baby steps (although a little late) toward building my site.

I started out by changing the theme as Ryan suggested. I thought about toying with the other two themes but then I realized that I’m a bit late to the process so I went with the suggested 2021 theme.
The next thing we had to do was change the background color. I thought about making it a pretty galaxy theme, but then looking at the comparisons between solid purple and the galaxy I figured that solid purple looked the best because it doesn’t impair the readability of the website. In the end, I decided to do both (in a way) I put the galaxy-themed background on the website but as a picture for the homepage.