Assignment #9 – Setting Up My Domain

Thumb Up Ok GIF

My overall experience with creating an account and setting up a domain wasn’t too bad. In fact, not complicated at all. I was able to follow the steps in the class recording and everything went smoothly. I find it cool that students are able to own their domain. Students can use their domain in so many ways such as blogging or content creation. Having your own domain can be like a work resume with your all creations in just a click of a button


Giggle Laughing GIF by Warner Bros. Pictures

There were many different routes that I could’ve chosen in terms of selecting a domain name. I was able to choose a domain name that would be easy to remember and easy to type. I wanted a domain name that wasn’t anything fancy and I was able to come up with this domain name –  Now I am normally not the type to add numbers to a domain name because the name may not be aesthetically pleasing but it fit well to my liking.

Seinfeld gif. Jerry Seinfeld as himself, Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Elaine, and Jason Alexander as George in Jerry’s apartment, tapping their feet in celebration. They scream and raise their hands up as if the best thing ever has happened.

I find it to be a truly exciting time for students to own their domains because of the amount of work they can share on their websites. It is truly creative freedom. I was able to download WordPress to my domain and now I have access to the control center which can be a useful tool.



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