How am doing in CT 101?
I honestly think I am managing well with the type of schedule I have but I am still pushing through. I am behind a good amount of assignments in this class🥲 but applying the strategy take one assignment at a time is helping me out a lot🙂.i
What I learned and retained the most?
What I learned the most was all the tools and things that are required for blogging, posting, and even trying to have a presence on the internet🙏. One example is the use of using Gifs, memes, and links to help polish a post.
Also learning from the professor and classmates is helping me out a lot🫡.

What new skills have I developed, cultivated and displayed regularly in my weekly posts?
The new skills I developed were creating blogs, creating memes, and using gifs to help further explain my post.
Another skill I learned was time management in this class I always thought getting more done as soon as possible is the way to go but its actually the opposite.

What do I know now that I did not know before making this post?
The thing I know now that I did not know was when the professor introduced us to assignment bank.
The minute I saw that website I knew I was going to have fun with it😎

What grade do you believe you are maintaining and why do I deserve that grade?
This is a great question😓. I honestly think I deserve a B because I do try my best to complete all assignments in a timely manner.
My attendance is bad because I never attended class but hopefully watching the recordings, and commenting on other’s makes up a little bit for the attendance🙏.

Do I see my blog post expanding creatively? If so, please explain why- or am I stuck in a loop where my posts seem to look the same most of the time, how will I change that?
Yes, I truly do see my blog post expanding more creatively. I do try my best to implement new ideas in each post.
There are times when I do feel stuck but with the help of the internet, my professor and classmates helps me expand on my creativity.

Are there any assignments you are missing? If so, list them
Yes, the only assignments are assignment 7, assignment 9, and assignment 10. I am proud of myself of the progress I am making so far🙂.
Assignment 7
Assignment 9
Assignment 10:
Are you commenting regularly on your classmates posts? Are you responding back to comments given to you by the professor and your classmates?
I honestly feel like I am doing well on this part because every feedback I have received, I responded and every responded on a good amount of classmates posts.
Are you participating during the class time? If not explain why.
That’s a great question but I’m not going to avoid it. I haven’t attended any class in person but I am watching the recordings, commenting on classmates posts, and responding to any feedback.
Hopefully I get partial credit for that.
This is the time to be accountable. How will you make needed improvements?
By trying my best to attend at least one class in person and continue to take my time doing the assignments, and continue to participate by commenting on my classmates posts🫡.
This helps me a lot