Assignment #11– The Last Of CT 101

Tried something out with the title for this one haha.

It’s the end of a *really* grueling semester. So much has happened in my life over the last 15+ weeks. 

Semester Memes for University Students |

Despite all that has happened in my life during the course of the semester, I’ve procrastinated much more times than I could count. Although I knew I could make it through, life just kept getting in the way and the workload from other classes became so unbearable. Try balancing that out with working on multiple commissions on the side along with planning and performing for a talent show… it was just one thing after the next. But I had to finish the semester strong!

21 Pictures That Sum Up The End Of The Semester | Student memes, Funny photo captions, Funny pictures

I feel that I’ve maintained at least a B in this class. I was a bit behind with a few blog posts, but now I’m all caught up. Commenting on other blog posts were a challenge not because I didn’t want to, I just didn’t get to make the time to do so. However, It was truly a pleasure learning about different types of art, memes, and digital storytelling. The history behind blogging; everything is categorized separately but they all unite together to create something special.

ct 101 meme – CT101 Digital Storytelling

I was always fascinated about having my own website and using it to talk about my passions and interests and sharing my experience with others. I definitely see myself continuing on with my blog website. Since the semester is over, I have a lot more time to focus on my website. There are still a few features I am navigating through.

My published blogs:

Assignment #1 – Ramen Hacks

Assignment #2– When Words Fail, Art Speaks

Assignment #3– Are Memes Art?

Assignment #4– What I Am Passionate About

Assignment #5– Journey To The Center Of Digital Storytelling

Assignment #7– Mid Semester Reflection

Assignment #9 & #10– Domain Name, Registering: Pt. 1 & 2


The name of my website is pretty straightforward. I went with the thebrianf as the name, which is the same as my Instagram handle (@thebrianf) and it’s something easy for people to remember. There are several people I know that call me by my Instagram handle whenever they see me. My goal is to keep my blog site filled with various things I am passionate about such a pro wrestling, TV shows and movies, food and my experiences at shows, concerts and what not!


Building a website wasn’t as difficult as I made it out to be. The Zoom recordings were very helpful. Something that felt very frustrating  became much easier to do with guidance and practice. I guess it’s my patience haha. Once I started playing around with the site, it all worked out well.


Assignment #9 + #10 Domain Name, Registering Pt. 1 and 2

Overall, registering my own domain was pretty easy. It didn’t take me too long to find a name. “Once you choose a domain name, you can’t change it” was stuck to my brain while I was in the process of choosing it. But it didn’t take very long to make that choice.

I chose Twenty Twenty One as my theme and chose a solid purple background. In the future I’ll go with something different. In the mean time, I’ll keep it simple.

I went with the thebrianf as the name, which is the same as my Instagram handle (@thebrianf) and its something easy for people to remember. There are several people I know that call me by my Instagram handle whenever they see me.

Now that I’ve chosen & registered my domain name, I started to add a few of my favorite blog posts that I have posted to here to CT101  and correlate best to who I am as an individual.

So far, the website has been easy to navigate.

Overall, I was stressed out about the process. But after getting it done. I felt like I accomplished a lot in a short amount of time.

Going forward, I will be using my website to share my experiences with traveling and going to wrestling events. I would also love to provide step by step cooking tutorials/recipes as well as TV/movie reviews.

Assignment #5- Journey To The Center of Digital Storytelling

As I mentioned in Assignment 4, I’m very passionate about graphic design. It started out as something I did for fun, but once it began intertwining with wrestling, there was no turning back.

Keep Moving Season 3 GIF by American Gods - Find & Share on GIPHY

For my first creation, I was actually commissioned to create a booking graphic in the form of a magazine cover for a friend of mine in wrestling. I used Bazaart to put this together by incorporating the photo, text and logos to create a cover design!

Pretty simple.

Piece Of Cake Asl GIF by Sign with Robert - Find & Share on GIPHY

For my second creation, I used Procreate to make a collage. It’s pretty straightforward to navigate. Normally, I use it to draw digital art, but this was the first time I incorporated photos. Like Adobe Photoshop, there is a background layer and you can add multiple layers containing photos and what not (lock & duplicate accordingly).

Assignment #4- What I Am Passionate About

There are many things I’m passionate about- dancing, writing & art to name a few.

Happy La GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

However the two things I’m most passionate about most actually intertwine with each other- pro wrestling and graphic design. (My apologies for the rambling I’m about to do)


I fell in love with pro wrestling at a very young age, so much so that I grew up wanting a career in the business. My talents outside of the wrestling community as an emcee, a budding photographer, an aspiring journalist, a graphic designer and even a dancer,  have provided me multiple career options to consider in the wrestling business without necessarily being a wrestler.

The pandemic (while terrible overall) was seemingly a blessing in disguise for me in terms of where I am as a graphic designer. While I lost all motivation to keep dancing and singing (and showcasing it all on TikTok), I began working on art. Art was something that I never really had the time to work on prior to the pandemic as I would be out and about every weekend. I’d start on something and it would take me a while to finish a piece.

If its one thing that pro wrestlers love, it’s fan art. During this time I made several drawings and portraits of wrestlers, tagged them on social media and they would repost them and compliment me on my work. Fast forward to 2021, I wanted to create a project highlighting few of the black wrestlers for Black History Month, but it wasn’t working out the way that I wanted to as it took me long to complete just one portrait.

When June came around, I had a different approach. I was inspired to create a digital collage celebrating the inclusivity in wrestling this included projects for Pride & Juneteenth.

I was not expecting these to blow up the way it did. So many wrestlers I included in these projects began following me and were very appreciative  towards what I created. I knew something was there.

That summer, I began creating several posters for indie wrestling promotions which led me to working with Limitless Wrestling up in Maine in making their posters and match graphics for their shows.

Fast forward to now, I’ve worked with several indie wrestling promotions across the country in terms of creating graphics for their events. I’ve also lost count with how many wrestlers I’ve either designed booking graphics, resumes, merch and logos for.

Assignment #7- Mid Semester Reflection

Im Fine No Problem GIF by HannahWitton - Find & Share on GIPHY

How am I doing in CT101?

Although I am behind on a few blog posts, I’m starting to get a hang of using the resources provided in this class.

With the blog posts I’ve created thus far, I included several GIFs, hyperlinks and memes which relate to what I’m writing about.

I feel like I am doing fairly well in the course. The workload isn’t as daunting as it is in my other FOUR classes. I definitely love getting creative and expressing myself freely in Ct 101.

Mad The Internet GIF by MOODMAN - Find & Share on GIPHY

The internet can be a great tool to express yourself and tell stories. The Internet is not only a research tool, it is an also a way to have a presence in the world (wide web). Blogging gives you the ability to write out stories for others to read.

The new skill that I developed is creating GIFs. I had a fun time with that particular assignment because it allowed me to explore my creativity. See Assignment 2.

You Got This John Legend GIF by MasterClass - Find & Share on GIPHY

I believe I am maintaining an B in this course. As I’ve mentioned, I have a few assignments I haven’t completed. I may not be able to attend class in person every week but I do keep up with the recordings to see the noteworthy info I’m missing.



Leave it to The Simpsons memes & GIFs to help out in any situation!

I feel that I’m  improving at blogging by implementing more GIFS and hyperlinks to each blog. I can see the engagement increasing.

One thing I definitely could work on is commenting on other blog posts and even replying to comments under my own blog posts.


Assignment #3- Are Memes Art?

Art is what you make it. The question has often been raised on whether or not memes are art.

Memes have become a integral part of everyday life. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t share memes with family & friends or vice-versa.

With just a quick scroll through the internet, you’ll  instantly find a meme that resonates with you.  Memes, with or without context, bring people together through shared comedy. In some cases they’re also informational. It wouldn’t shock me if they start popping up in future textbooks.

Cassandra Luca of  The Harvard Crimson states “Which is why, I would postulate, they’re art. It’s still difficult for many to think of such Internet-based phenomena as “art,” but, I ask — why not? They require quick thinking, wit, and creativity. They capture our anxieties, desires, sense of humor, and cultural moment.”

While memes do not measure up towards other art forms, at the end of the day, they still require thinking and creativity.


Furthermore, Vittorio Compagno of the Carl Kruse Arts Blog mentions “Memes have become so important to our common culture that an online “library” archives thousands of them, avoiding the inevitable loss that the speed at which they are made causes. When a form of communication becomes popular, you suddenly start seeing ads popping in using that same medium. That is the case with popular art in recent decades.”

The bottom line is— Art is constantly evolving & memes are here to stay!

Here are 2 memes I created that are related to CT101:

Assignment #2- When Words Fail, GIFs Speak

GIFs have become a part of my daily life. When I first started using Twitter (still gonna call it that), I went crazy with using GIFs either when tweeting or replying to mutuals. The way I see it is: When words fail, GIFs speak! 

Type Frog GIF by Mypenleaks - Find & Share on GIPHY

I had my doubts while skimming through the syllabus for CT101 but that all went away on the first day. But I was kinda sad when I found out that the class meets only once a week.

Dance Image GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Blogging (more so vlogging)  is something I’ve always wanted to explore more, but I just never followed through with it.  Hopefully blogging will serve me well and it’ll be a place where all of my interests can mix together. My life is like an onion- filled with many layers. Shrek said it best! 

Dreamworks Shrek GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

I feel that this class allows me to really be myself. It pushes me to think outside the box and inspires so much creativity. I never thought I’d be taking a class that centers around the use of GIFs, memes & hyperlinks— but here we are!

It’s fascinating to not only use these internet tools but to also learn about their history and how to create my own.

Excited Jimmy Fallon GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon - Find & Share on GIPHY

Assignment #1- Ramen Hacks ?

I absolutely LOVE soup— especially ramen!  Any time I see videos while scrolling through social media, I save them all (I actually follow through with making them as opposed to all of the other cooking videos I save).

Kevin James Yes GIF by TV Land - Find & Share on GIPHY

Who doesn’t love a good bowl of Ramen? I once looked up a hack on TikTok to make some at home. Next thing I knew, I  ended up with several different hacks/recipes by the end of the week. It was such a game changer!

Here is one of my favorite hacks I tried!

And let me tell you- it tasted just like the ramen you’d get from the ramen spot!

I am 100% certain that we as college students have late-night cravings while working on assignments. This is something quick and easy to satisfy that craving.  There are so many ways to add your own flavors and uniqueness while preparing your ramen at home. Have fun with it! You won’t regret it!