Posting GIFs within uploads or links
using WordPress for our website
- Making memes with Giphy

CUNY York College – Digital Storytelling
Well well well, it’s good to be back here sorry I haven’t blogged in two weeks I had a lot going on BUT! BOY I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU 😀
Introducing the Quby Shrine!!!
5 – 10 domain names?! I don’t know about 10 but 5 ehh ill think of something, my brain needs to wake up.
So many names to think, I’m cornered HALP!!! Lol but nah in all seriousness I can’t think of any domain names BUT I had to ask ChatGPT for help (go figure smh anyways here is chatgpt hyperlink http://chat.openai.com)
Yeah I’m not a fan of using ChatGPT but if I need help for anything Ill take the suggestions (Quby is not happy with me for using it, sorry Qubyyy 🙁 )
ANYWHO um so these are the names that it suggested me:
These are 5-10 domain names which are about guess whooo….
That’s right it’s QUBY!!! 🙂
You must be asking why Quby?? Well it’s simple I want to make a Quby website filled about Quby n Friends and how he was made and how he relates to every situation we are in as well as feeling in every moment, I can tell Quby forgives me from earlier and is very happy to be around ya’ll!
Is it personal or business domain website? It’s personal because there are other websites that has Quby for business but for my website I want Quby to be personal and make everyone that visits our website to be happy 😀 (Yes I said our website because Quby is always helping me out regardless). I researched an Quby website to see what I can find and man oh man I found the perfect websites:
Alright! Let’s reflect what we learned from the past 7 and a half weeks of class 🙂
2. What I’ve learned/retained from this class is gifs, memes and ds106 because as you can see I can input gifs in blogs just fine as well as adding my own memes here too, I use https://tenor.com/search/quby-stickers as well as http://giphy.com to do my memes there B).
3. As I said before the skills I developed was inserting gifs and/or memes by using it’s link (as long as it has .gif at the end) it will work and you can edit it before inserting your gifs/memes and it’s always in Ryan’s weekly assignment post because after having details out there for all of us to see and read at the end of an answer we would put gifs and/or memes.
4. We can use photoshop in this class as well as insert it into our blogs which is something i never knew before! :O
5. A++ XD I’m kidding but most certainly an A+ for my efforts and showing up to class on time as well as my work sent in on time.
6. HEY! My creativity in my blogs is never a loop I use different Quby gifs to be relatable with my emotions. Don’t make me send Quby after you! -_-
7. No assignments missing
8. I don’t comment to my classmates posts I actually have nothing to say lol but if it’s from you Ryan I would respond back to you and if my classmates reply to me ill respond back as well (but it depends if I have time).
9. No because I start my blog post right away by reading it’s instructions carefully
That’s all for today everyone! As always keep it real and see you next time!
First day of CT101 link – https://ct101.commons.gc.cuny.edu/first-day-of-ct101/
What makes me happy this week link – https://ct101.commons.gc.cuny.edu/what-makes-me-happy-on-the-internet-this-week-2/
Are Memes Art link – https://ct101.commons.gc.cuny.edu/are-memes-art-21/
Passion link – https://ct101.commons.gc.cuny.edu/my-passion-2/
Two projects I would like to do link – https://ct101.commons.gc.cuny.edu/two-projects-i-would-like-to-do/
P. S here are all the posts I did that I learned from Ryan 😁
Two projects?? Hmm…well I’m in luck to pick out two projects give me one second!
Here it is!
Here’s the second link to what I want to do!
Although I’m good at writing/typing but it depends on a certain topic because I would have to think a lot harder to know what to say for this specific topic especially when it comes to this topic which is self wellness check because everyone has different ways to do a self-care routine but sometimes it’s hard to explain for others which I fall into that category sometimes.
These links I provided within the image I chose these because what I need to learn to complete them is using PhotoPea for the Self Wellness Check assignment and as for Reaction Gifs I would use https://tenor.com and use my good ol’ pal Quby to help out with that. Any projects I have to do I will always try my best with the new tools I will be using and learned from but I’m hoping it’s not a lot because I have a life outside of school as well as not wanting to feel overwhelmed and having a mental breakdown.
These skills are important if you’re really into it especially when it comes to technology nowadays advancing every day, month, year, and/or decade. There are people that are interested in technology specifically web design or computer science, tv stuff, game design, etc and I say that because I want to be a web designer in my future so I’m glad that I’ll be learning a lot of programs and/or skills to use for technology specifically web design.
As always keep it real, let me know what I’m missing here and don’t be afraid to comment and talk to me 🙂
Bye Bye! 😀
Well, Well, Well looks like someone wants to know what I’m passionate about. Ok I’ll tell you what I’m passionate so read carefully 🙂
You guessed it, I’m passionate about gaming because I’ve been playing games since I was a little kid, I first had the PS2 6 years after it’s released (2007-08) and I had a lot of ps2 games like Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Heroes, Kingdom Hearts Series (1, Chain of Memories & 2), Dragon Ball Budokai 2, Final Fantasy X-2, etc. I really loved playing games even after coming home from school or on break from school, I also had the Wii in 2010, Wii U and as of today I have the PS4 since Christmas 2016 (unfortunately my old ps4 was on life support lol so I gave it away and got a new ps4 with 1TB.)
Gaming has always been my passion than basketball because I always want to relax and sometimes escape reality for a while, even though sometimes it can be boring for hours everyday but I always find ways to have fun because I’m creative and a fun person to be around with especially in both real and online worlds :D. I did also have a passion for basketball but as years come by it has been getting dull and boring to play because after seeing all the bs in the NBA and it’s rules and players being entitled, etc I just slip away from the sport but gaming will never slip away because it’s been around since I was a child.
(Unfortunately, I have no hyperlinks that I can think of when it comes to gaming but at least Quby shows examples of how I game and how every gamer feels to be honest)
Moving forward, if anyone games like I do let me know in the comments and or just don’t be afraid to say hi or comment how you feel about this blog post, as always I’ll see ya’ll next week! 😀
I would think memes are art and I will prove with these links that they are art! 😁
Well well well, these links have proof that memes are definitely art as well as one link that talks about the history of memes and it’s evolution!
It’s honestly good for art because it’s like the person’s expression and emotions on how they feel about someone, something, etc.
Communication wise it really all depends, like friends, family and your significant other definitely it would be helpful for communication but work and/or school maybe not since it’s not professional to send memes or gifs but it still all depends
Memes are for self expressions because it’s like a reaction just like gifs are and how it expresses how we feel, it’s always good to express yourself freely!
Memes can be used for context as well as storytelling because your setting the expressions as well as having a setting of the story that your telling (haha storytelling joke)
The point here I’m making is that memes are art especially when expressing and emotionally feeling relatable to the gifs memes (or memes in general), storywise it can work but it’ll be difficult unless your able to know what to do with meme storytelling.
(I used gifs from https://tenor.com/ as well as https://imgflip.com/ for making the memes using gifs or pictures)
Please leave a comment and don’t be shy to talk to me peoples 😁
Today was the first day of CT101 in person and honestly being here in person for this class I felt:
(Yes I am gonna keep using Quby forever!! 😁). I did felt excited to be here as well as the lecture being fun by using gifs in our blogs which is my speciality because gifs especially quby gifs or any cute gifs is my personality and me in general 🤭
I loved hearing about this course’s creativity content because when it comes to gifs and texting/blogging I’m all for it 100%!!
CT101 is very fun compared to my online classes BUT! CT 137 is also the same fun as CT101 general because breaking old technology apart and be creative from CT137 while CT101 is all about creativity too 😀
The creative potentials of this class is basically expressing your feelings with gifs as well as showing your own creative ideas as well who knows maybe you have a secret creative powers inside you 🤭
Learning new skills from this class using different kind of tools will be amazing to do but sometimes I already know what to do when it comes to these blogs and gifs but other than that I’m happy to be in this class and can’t wait to learn more new things!! 😊
Until the next time everyone…SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!! 😁 Feel free to talk to me or leave your reactions for this blog post 🤗
P. S don’t take my quby gifs or else quby will find you! 🤭
What makes me happy is this gif of a Quby dancing and being happy because this is how I feel when I’m in a good mood and plus I use gifs like these to express my feelings and personality and as well as being silly :3
Here is a gif of a Quby dancing 😀
If you want to look for more quby gifs it is on tenor, come see the link down below yourself because everybody knows we all love Quby and his cuteness and silliness that we can all relate.
For those that doesn’t know what is Quby, I can explain it for you 🙂
Quby (also known as Pentol) was created by Zhong Chaoneng back in 2015 for the popular instant messaging platform called WeChat and as you can see above Quby(or Pentol) is a abnormally huge head, rosy cheeks and stick-like limbed baby who expresses relatable expressions in his world. Quby is also a race not a name but I would still call him Quby or Pentol, everyone in his world looks like him but with hair or age or clothes but regardless it is funny and silly and expresses feelings and personalities to use his gifs.
You can also search on Instagram for quby pages with stickers or merchandise of quby as well as relatable shorts of quby
Also that’s Quby’s best friend Tory 🙂