Domain Name Time!

Some potential domain name would have : – This domain is simply my first name with some numbers I see often. This example would have used incorporate the set number of images used on the website. –  This example would have been about things I enjoy as it incorporate my birthday. it would of incorporate activities from the 2000s or favorable moments that changed the world. often website names that are easier to remember are more memorable. this name symbolizes a person that loves rain. I like cloudy and rainy weather. My website would have been filled with pictures of rain and its beauty in NYC. This is a silly word to be and it looks like illicit a silly reaction from people.

My website would have been a fusion of things I enjoy such as taking pics, food that I ate around NYC, memes and nostalgic tv shows I used to watch as a child.








Memes are fantastic for art because it allows for recognition, and deeper perspective to be viewed. Memes highlight art by using reality to form a connection to the art being used.

Memes allows unseen emotions to be display and satisfy the human need for communication and connection.

I tend to procrastinate simple task because I overthink them easily. This usually takes a toll on my overall health.

This is my last semester before getting my diploma so I am trying to remain calm but reality is setting.
As I continue to internally panic about meeting deadline and completing tasks, I will miss the stability it provided as reality kicks in.
Like “Is this a Pigeon” meme I too am often confused, but liking memes serves as a expression of my internal feelings.