I thought establishing the website was a fun task, but customizing the website was even more exciting! Dare I say it was oddly satisfying.
I definitely could not customize the site without following along with the professor’s tutorial. With his guidance, I was able to customize my website and I cannot wait to continue doing so.
Here is what I did so far:
After following the tutorial, one of the first things I did was create an icon for the website. (I used a picture of myself.) The next thing I did was change the theme of the website from light to dark. With every device and app I use, I change the theme to ‘dark mode’ because it is more visually appealing to me. So for that reason, I wanted my website to follow suit- and I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I think it looks amazing. Upon completion, I changed the name of the website and tagline from its default names to “Straight Talk with Kysa” and “Everything gets discussed here!”
The next thing I did was change the featured images for each page. With the twenty-seventeen theme, the featured images were ‘cafe-themed’ and that did not seem appropriate for my page. So, for now, I thought it was best for me to use serene images. I signed up for pixabay.com and found images that I thought would be appropriate- for now at least.
Next, I changed the default messages that were left under the ‘home’ and ‘about’ pages. I have not yet customized a message for the ‘homepage section’ and ‘contact’ pages.
After completing this, I customized the footer of the website. I first removed the default address and office hours and I added my social media accounts. I also included a description under the “about this site” section. The final change I made to the footer was removing the ‘Yelp’ and ‘Facebook’ icons due to the fact that I do not have accounts for either platform.
I kept the Twitter, Instagram, and email icons and added hyperlinks. So, if clicked on, the user will be directed to my accounts.
The final thing I did was add a post to the ‘blog’ page. I used one of the videos that I had already recorded- I just really wanted there to be some form of content on the site. Next week, I will post the second episode and I guess I have to start filming more so that I never run out of content.
So these are all my customizations so far. I know there is still so much more to be done but I felt quite accomplished after looking at everything I did.
If you want to see the changes I made to the site personally, you can just head over there. I am looking forward to customizing the site more in the future.
Feedback on what I’ve done so far will be accepted!