When the professor told us to pick a domain name based on what we were passionate about, I knew exactly what my domain would be called.
Over the summer, I interned with the World Childhood Foundation and met with speakers from UNICEF, Facebook, The New York Times, and other such institutions to battle the topic of violence against children. The Foundation fights all forms of violence against children and is currently working on a sustainable development goal, known commonly as the 16.2 goal, which aims to end all forms of violence against children by the year 2030.
At the end of the internship, all scholars- as they called the interns- were required to come up with a project to bring awareness to any of the topics covered over the summer. So, for my project, I made a talk show host called ‘Straight Talk with Kysa.’ (If you visited my blog page, you would see that I use the name Kysa instead of Shanae whenever doing projects like this.)
I did two episodes and in those episodes, myself, and some parents, spoke on teaching kids about their body parts and how to protect them on the internet; the second episode ended with an original song. (I will try to insert them in this post in case you guys want to take a look.)
I received a lot of positive feedback and was told to continue making episodes but I was not sure what more I could say. So seeing that our websites will feature our passions, I thought that this would be a good time for me to make more episodes and have a website dedicated to it for easier viewership for persons.
So, as you may have guessed, my domain name will be straighttalkwithkysa.com.
Here are those videos to get an idea of what I’ll be publishing on my website. But, I should note that the new videos I make will not be as lengthy. These videos were only lengthy because of the presentation time I was given from the foundation.
Wow! Excellent! Love the domain name and this post is super! I love the topic and can relate so well!
Great work, I really appreciate the continued hard work and addressing so many crucial topics!
Wonderful work! Cant wait to see your new site develop!
Thank you, professor!