Domain Name options

There are two main topics off the top of my head right now that I would love to revolve a website around. The first of which is about cars  and the second of which is about the stock market.  This would mean that the Domain names I select for either of these two topics must have some kind of faint relation to the topic.  Below are a list of domain names for each of the topicss.


The stock market:


I choose this topic because typical wall street terminology may be hard to follow. So in a sense, that wall of terminology is hard to scale. However, with this website I will make terminology and analysis easy to understand, hence the term “scaling the wall.”


This is also a play on the term wall street. In this website I hope to include, everyday a list of stocks I believe will be great performers. Sort of like a hall of fame for stocks.


Referring back to what i aforementioned, wall street terminology and investor terminology may be hard to follow at times. I hope to paint a clearer picture using everyday language people would be able to understand .


The name speaks for itself. The website wont just be talking about stocks. I will be talking about ETF’s and forex markets as well.


Remember that toy company that was a distinct figure in our childhood but now is a distant memory? Yes I’m talking about Toys R us. I’m using the same wordplay here. However I’m not making it obvious, so the domain name has some originality.


Here are some potential car related domain names.





The 4 domains above were very difficult for me to come up with, mostly because the ones I originally came up with were all taken. The challenging thing about this is it cant be too long of a domain name and it has to be catchy. This is the best I can come up with for now, but the list is subject to future review.


2 thoughts on “Domain Name options”

  1. Great work on this! Love the names and the connection to the names through each little snippet of stories told here. Lets add an image or a GIF into the post to help maximize the visual appeal and engagement with the reader, its super helpful! All of a sudden I have become reflective (which writing certainly triggers in us) I’m thinking a GIF from the 1st “Wall Street” Movie from the 1980s.. and the Fast and the Furious series as well … lol

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