DS106 Assignment

Overall my take on the DS work is still mix there is still I have much to learn but the freedom to explore this work has benefited me in a lot of ways and I can also see as being used as a stepping stone for my writing because with the writing assignment for a writer like myself that poster spoke me but also there is a lot of content I’m willing to try because this website has an endless of the network that can really benefit someone. Crazy it may seem but it kind of like another Facebook being able to take a closer look at different hobbies and writings styles, video upload by big-time streamers, and so on. Now am I still a bit confused yes but I really do like this assignment is really fun and I can wait to go in-depth some more.

Examples of Shape Poems for KidsFor example, this poem about a baby it has this creative style to and the way that it shapes like a baby I love it. But lol there was a post wherein the writing assignment page it mentioned web designers are also but of the writing genre which for some time now I was really 50/50 about but now reading that article I have a clear understanding. The DS gives you unlimited space to work out what you want to to set up your own Assisgnemt so that others can get a grasp of what they need to know

What an interesting site! Offering programs?!

1 thought on “DS106 Assignment”

  1. Great!
    I really love how you formatted this blog post! The post itself has become a work of art in and of itself!
    Love it! Love the idea of using text, words and letter characters to fill the contour lines of an object!

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