I agree with Andy Baio’s regarding his statement that “everything is a remix”. When you take a look a culture and ideas that are created throughout the years, everything was inspired by something already created or something that is lacking or missing a component to bring an idea to the next level. I also agree with his statement that “the idea of the lone artist or inventor struck by lightning is a myth”. I support his claims because I always thought to myself, where do people come up with some of the crazy but essential ideas. When you look back at a lot of so-call original ideas, you find out that they stem from someone else’s work or short comings.
Here some similarities between Flash Gordan vs Star Wars
Richard Prince stated “When I first showed the Canal Zone Paintings I thought they were cool”. I find when I create something that I also find to be cool, it is done without the intent of financial gain. Self express is conveyed through art. We as the artist should not be limited because we are using someone else’s work as a guild to a new creation. How can some else try to justify that a alteration to an original piece is not altered enough to be considered different from the original piece? If I returned a leased car with an altered exhaust pipe, it is no longer considered a factor car because of one alteration. Copyright was created to protect the original work of an author. In the era of technology, people often use the work of others to communicate with society. The use of someone else’s work can be confusing to others. I think we as a society need to have a clear concise way of differentiating between inappropriate use and expressive use of other people’s work. Like I said no original work is truly original.
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