When I think of memes I think fun, creative expression or freedom. Memes are meant to be taken as jokes and not something super serious. Most people see memes as trivial or nonsensical because they offer no necessary information. But that isn’t the point, the point is to have a laugh in a humor less situation.
To me there is no point defining a meme as anything but if I have to it’s definitely a form or art. The way people are able to “notice that something is special, they’re the ones who are able to help bring it out into the context of the art world or the gallery world”(Art Zealous). As Bubu a meme artist stated he first made memes for friends to laugh but he created art with some convincing to make an exhibit. Art is for people to admire so who says meme can’t be admired like a Picasso or DaVinci.
As this photo illustrates art is subjective anything you pour your imagination deserves to be seen and enjoyed by the masses. Even the greatest art in the world is weird but so different from the rest you can’t help to admire it, that’s how I view memes because something that allows me to convey a joyful emotion is a great thing.
Memes are so simple yet amazing because it can unite people to a common feeling. In many words memes are art because “Art evolves using its moderate, and has continued to do this from the online age”. sees memes as more than something people diss but how they can enjoy because of how they can be made so fast.
This a meme I found today which I whole heartedly agree with so much. Every time you find a moment of peace someone tries to ruin it. Kind of like when your parents call your name but never answer and make you look for them only to do something dumb. The way memes are able to make me chuckle shows how fun they can be and allow communication between people because I can DM it to a friend on IG. It will allow us to talk about other relatable stuff memes can illustrate just like these.
Now time for a MEME premier made by ME- JUAN CARLOS MEJIA
I created this meme because I was shocked that CT 101 was going to be fun and a creative class when most classes turn out to be boring with the work and lectures.
I created this meme because I feel like I have to sprint just to find good memes for my post because there are never enough to convey all my points across.
I enjoyed the memes you included in this post, some of the memes I have never seen before like the ermagerd girl
Thanks. I like to use such random memes.
Hey Juan Carlos! I love the memes you created lol and I agree that memes are just tokens to be taken lightly and laugh at. They never get old.
Exactly memes are great the way they are, just laugh no need to get supe’s serious.
This is a fantastic article. I also like your ingenuity in creating your own CT 101 memes. You did an excellent job.
Thank You. I like to find such weird reactions and use random quotes for memes and thanks again.
Your memes were hella creative! I would agree that there is no need to define what is a meme, a very Karen thing to do. Memes help to shed light on difficult situations, in a sad world, we need some laughter.
I agree why be mad when we can joke ?.