How am I doing in CT101 so far???
How am I doing in CT101? What grade do I believe I am maintaining?
I think that in CT 101 I am maintaining a high 70 or low 80 kind of grade. I have completed most of the blog posts in the beginning of the semester but admittedly have been on a downward slope in terms of getting my assignments posted on time or at all. This is something I plan to fix moving forward however.
What have I learned the most? What is my greatest learned asset in this class so far?
I wouldn’t say this is my greatest learned asset in the class but something that I definitely learned that I didn’t know before taking this class was how to make my own animated Gifs.
What skills have I developed , cultivated and displayed regularly in my posts?
A huge takeaway from CT101 that I slowly start incorporating in some of my other classes is the usage of hyperlinks. Hyperlinking sources or websites to my work was something that I never done before when doing online assignments. And while It hasn’t made siting sources and website easier or harder by any means, it makes essays and other assignments look very clean in my opinion.
How do I assess my performance through self-reflection in this class?
I think in this class the way I assess my performance the most is if I have a good understanding of the assignment that we are completing for the class. Even if its something that I’m not necessarily interested in a deep understanding of the concept can usually go a long way.
What do I know now that I did not know before taking this class?
One of the things, as stated before, that I didn’t know before taking the class that I know how to do now is how to make my own animated gifs. Gifs is something that I know a lot about and I really like looking at gifs as a form of entertainment. But making them for myself was something I had never done before or knew how to do before the course.
Thanks so much! Good work on this! Forward we go, You soooo got this!
Good Energy!