I dabble in the internet as much as the next person, but i don’t interact with many people on there. i did however find something that both made me happy and was very interesting to me. I don’t usually look up stuff on the internet, but instead find a lot of stuff i like off of Youtube where i find reviews for a lot of things that i already like or may be interested to search for in the future.

One of the most interesting websites i have learned about from Youtube has to be the Library of Babel. This is also know as a a novel written by Jorge Luis Borges. The novel explains how the universe is like an almost infinite library, made of hexagonal rooms, galleries’ and staircases. it contains almost an infinite amount of books with every possible combination of letters, commas, periods, and spaces enveloped in books of 410 pages each. it is supposed that the library has been around since ab aeterno. It was created in order for scholars to study and learn as they please, with books that are undecipherable, millions of identical copies of books, and dead ends. It is said to contain everything that has ever been written and everything that could be written. The website succeeds and replicating that story. Even going as far as including every image possible from a color pallet of 4096 colors on a grid of 416×640. it is supposedly able to make every image possible that has ever been taken and can be taken with those colors. They even called it the Babel Image Archive. This is such an interesting concept and could not stop smiling over the fact of how cool it is and how fascinating the story is. Might just be my weird mind but i find it very cool.

Excellent work on this! And, congrats on your first post here in CT101!
This post s a great example of self expression, sharing of content, embedded media and hyperlinks for more context and insight!
I also appreciate the length and flow of the writing, thank you!