What Makes You Happy on the Internet? Assignment #1

Assignment #1 – What Makes You Happy on the Internet?

Your goal for this week will be to read and follow the info / links listed in our class calendar for Week #2. Absorb the information and then begin to prepare and gather all of needed media, images, links and content to create and publish your first blog post here on our class website!

(This assignment was created by Professor Michale Smith a few years ago, it still holds true as a great example and ice-breaker for our first blogging assignment.)

Prof. Smith asserts;

“In a new blog post, take the time to introduce anything you want about yourself and describe a piece of the internet that is “making you happy” this week. Share what the content is about, the media format, and the online space in which is was discovered. Make sure it’s something you can ’embed’ in your post and be sure to link back to the original source of the the item.

Below is an example:

discovered recently a writer who made side-by-side comparisons of frames from the Simpsons with frames from the original movies that inspired the cartoon. I love this kind work because it shows how culture is seemingly endlessly recycled and remixed.

Here’s the original, famous “shower scene” from the 1960 film Psycho:


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