It’s not what you think guys- I’m back to talking about my neutral palette. My website is starting to come together, especially after posting my first blog post!
Winter is finally here and I am all for winter fashion. I’m one of those that loves to layer clothing. Each season or year has its own trends and it seems like 2021 was all about brining back the 70’s-90’s vibes. I mean, the bootcut and yoga pants, with halter tops, and beaded necklaces are really giving off a vibe and lets not forget about the chunky bratz doll boots!
BUT, it can become costly while trying to keep up with trends. I believe having staple pieces in ones wardrobe is crucial. I’m talking about the solid color shirts (long sleeves, turtlenecks, basics crewnecks) and the solid color pants (of course neutral or black!).

I displayed direct links of where to shop from with some explanations as well and ended my blog post off with drakes song.

I really liked your first blog post. And the overall structure of your website looks very nice, hopefully you make a post about neutral streetwear (if it’s possible and somewhat of your interest) I would love to see your recommendations!
Thank you Alejandra! I will use your advice as a new topic!!
There is no way you in CT 101. you’re truly an expert in building websites. Great work on this website, I really like the formatting and all the context you included. thank you for this outstanding work.
Wow Nader, you are too kind. I am far from being an expert but the fact that you said that made the constant errors and failures worth it! Thank you so much!
Wonderful Post!
Wow, this is chock full of super cool examples, links, fashion time line, TOYS! Such fun! This is a great example of the “style” of blogging that you have been developing all semester, You must keep going when CT101 is over, You Must! :)))
As Nader mentioned, Great work on your website design / building process! Skills!
Hi Prof. Seslow,
Thank you for you comments, it just makes everything feel “in-place,” whenever you give feedback. I will try my very best to continue, only because it was very therapeutic for me. I didn’t have anyone tell what I can or cannot do!
Thank You so much! Great! Yes, we are here to learn and support each other in and through the process! I have learned so much this semester from our class and all the great work published here! Blogging is a “friend” it is always there awaiting us and it will always support us!