Assignment 5: To Catch the Wind

This one was a little interesting to me mainly because my mind immediately (heh, get it?) went to the idea of making a kind of symbolic destination or to an activity I’ve never participated in before. “Welcome to Calm Peaceful Quiet Mind”, “Greetings From Full Night’s Sleep” but I just couldn’t feel satisfied with those options even when I tired my hand on making/editing my own image.
The skill taste gap for me is still too broad. I really want it to be a tiny little puddle but at times it feels like a chasm. So ultimately it was Canva to save the day (kind of).
The vibe was a bit Night Vale-ian, which I liked but it was quite what I wanted. I brought together a bunch of different pieces of clip art on Canva. I’m always on canva making book cover mock ups when I should be writing(oops). It seems so interesting to me that Canva Pro has so many options yet I always feel like I don’t have much to work with because my specifics are… well, too specific.
Ultimately I decided to focus on a real world event that I want to attend. Every April, when the sky is clear and the weather starts to warm, Weifang hosts their Kite festival. Weifang, China a city in the Shandong province, is famous for their International Kite Festival. Every year artists create amazing and beautiful kites to fly and show off their skills in both design and aerodynamics. From what I’ve heard its great fun for the whole family.
People travel far and wide just to see the kites take to the sky and the best part? It’s free! Now of course the opening ceremony costs about 15-30 USD but overall the event is free to attend.
I don’t remember what I was doin that week to miss it but either way its come and gone, maybe 2024? I searched the web for a variety of different images of the kite festival and found a lot of good information on it overall.  The following image was the end result. It’s a little plain but I felt I was able to show a variety of kites and capture the energy of the day. The bright crisp April day with all the kites in the air and the beautiful craftsmanship that goes into to giving them their “wings”.

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