Bye Bye CT 101 Final Blog post/reflection.

It’s a shame that this class has come to an end; studying and doing stuff remotely, as well as sharing a story using online arts and memes, were both enjoyable aspects of this class. I enjoyed learning how to publish and create a story using digital storytelling.

How I enjoyed this class & Plans on using the skills learned

CT 101 was a very enjoyable and creative class; I really enjoyed the creative aspects of this class, which included designing something and sharing it with the rest of the class. I have had a lot of fun learning how to make Memes and GIFS. Learning about the history of memes, the internet’s own kid, was also helpful in keeping me informed about the class’s subject. If I need to create and launch a website in the future, it will be easier to apply the skills I learned in class. Since I use Tik Tok to express myself, I’m thinking about using this feature to be more creative on social media in addition to digital storytelling.

Memories of the first-ever Meme and GIFS  I created
How the Creation of my website began

Before going on Midterm Break, we were given the task of coming up with several names for our website. I decided right away what my website would be, and it was going to be called AKBL. I just wanted to talk to people who enjoy dramas to find out how they felt about them. To be honest, it was extremely difficult for me after I created my website because I had no idea how to begin or customize it. However, the idea came later, and I used it to list most of my interests.

Future plans can be found on the website. I'll keep my new website up for the time being because I think it'll be fun to keep adding to it. However, since I am inconsistent in my actions, I am unable to make any guarantees about the future. But, at the end of each week, I'd make an effort to update my website.

Things I learned this Semester

Since I’ve learned and applied what I’ve learned to my next thought, the skills I’ve acquired in this class are innovative learning and thinking. In this class, I’ve developed my communication skills by listening to and engaging with my peers’ work. I’ve developed a number of digital skills, including writing social media posts about subjects that concern me.

Closing remarks.

To sum up this, I am hoping for an A this semester. Looking back on this class Journey, I’ve learned a lot of useful information that will assist me in the future. It was a pleasure to be a part of this class, and I want to express my gratitude to Professor Ryan Seslow for making it so enjoyable. In addition, I’m learning a new ability that I can use in the real world.

My website name is


1 thought on “Bye Bye CT 101 Final Blog post/reflection.”

  1. Thanks so much, Omoniyi!
    Great work this semester! Thank you so much for revised work and updates!
    I really appreciate the commitment to the course work!
    Have a great summer!
    Thank You!

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