For example:

Just these few memes show so many different emotions.
Memes are something that won’t be leaving the presence of the media anytime soon and will continue to evolve as time progresses. I don’t believe that this will necessarily be a bad thing for are because this is simply just one form of it. The traditional forms of art still exist and are still appreciated in today’s society. If anything, memes have enhanced the way people communicate. Sometimes when words aren’t enough to do your feelings justice, there’s a perfect meme out there that speaks for you perfectly.
HOWEVER… just like everything else in this world, there can be a bad side to memes

During my time on the internet, I have definitely seen people try to make memes out of genuinely tragic situations that should not be made fun of. Some people do go out of their way to be insensitive, using memes as their tool to do so. Yandy Smith, a reality tv personality and entrepreneur has fallen victim to this. While out peacefully protesting , Yandy was attacked and pepper sprayed by the police.
The internet thought it was okay to use this picture of the incident as a meme for whenever they feel distressed or are expressing hopelessness:

On a lighter note, I’d like to share some memes that make me laugh :

I had plenty of fun coming up with ct101 based memes. Here are some of the many than I had an absolute blast making: