Assignment #1

Fun On The Internet

Like most persons, I spend a great deal of my time on the internet using Youtube, watching video after video after video for hours on end.

Whether it be school related videos, music videos or simply just vlogs, there’s never a shortage of entertaining content on Youtube. Commentary/reactions to shows, movies and music has rapidly become my favorite type of videos because it’s like I’m watching or listening with a friend. Some of my favorite reactors are, ur internet mom ash, ZZAVID, HTHAZE, jay meets world,  KioshiWarrior and FilmFreakBecky.

When it comes to any form of art I think it’s always good to see things from another point of view and be made aware of things that you might have initially missed or misunderstood. 

This past week I have mostly been watching reactions to the show Euphoria on HBO Max but I also watched the movie Dead Poets Society for the first time. I heard of it some time ago but never got around to watching, I guess I can thank this assignment for helping me rediscover it.

In searching for different media pieces to use in my post I found the clip above (youtube coming in clutch once again) that sparked my interest. It’s a wonderful film that, though it was released in 1989, touches on some tough topics that are still very relevant in today’s time.

1 thought on “Assignment #1”

  1. Excellent work on this!
    A nice flow and written descriptions with supporting media embeds & hyperlinks!
    Nice GIFs and the great reference to “Dead Poet’s Society”! (such a great film!, thanks for the reminder of this!) YouTube will always come in clutch!
    Forward we go!

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