Assignment 10: Customizing my website

As per following the previous week’s assignment, we created a domain and started to build our website. I’ve mentioned before about my bubble tea and I want to create this website based on that. The website is going to be a summary of what we offer and I would like to keep it minimalist as possible. The theme that I am going for is the “Twenty Twenty-Two” theme and the colors that I’ve selected are black and white. The website is not finished being built but I am in the process of creating multiple tabs with pictures and short paragraphs. I’ve attached screenshots of the preview and how it is going to look. Navigating through the interface is somewhat complicated because of graphics and text editor are separate categories. 


1 thought on “Assignment 10: Customizing my website”

  1. OK, thank you, so far so good on the site – but your posts are still not sharing or displaying any form of a hyperlink or supporting contextual content. Why?
    We have been practicing blogging for many weeks, the weekly practice should be very consistent by this point of the semester. It might be helpful for you to review the video recordings from the first few assignments as they will be helpful in expanding these posts.
    Im always here to help, reach out if I can help further.
    Thank you!

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