Assignment-12: Sharing Website’s URL & Some Social Media Fun

Surfing through the web & Some Social Media Fun

I can’t believe this is the “Last Assignment” before the final blog post, finally, this semester is going to be over, however, it’s been a wonderful journey.

For the 1st part of this assignment, I already shared my social media link during the class period when the professor asked for it. I am going to share it here one more time in case anyone wants to check out my website.

My website’s domain name:


In the last couple of days, I have noticed some of my classmates actually liked my website and shared it on their posts. I would like to thank them all for visiting my website and appreciating my work.

I actually visited almost everyone’s website, whenever they shared their website link. Most of them have done a really great job and I got inspired by them, however, a few of them were very basic. The website that I liked the most are Elizabeth, Tiandra, Zia, PaolaManpreetSafiya, Sudipta, and Duojay. Most of them didn’t have a comment section on their blog posts, so I couldn’t leave a comment on their posts. However, on my website, I put a comment section in my blog post, so that people can leave their feedback.

Since it’s quite not possible to describe everyone’s website here, so I put the links to their websites so that you guys can also have a look at their works. And I got this idea from Tiandra’s post.

Tiandra’s website URL –

First, I would like to talk about Tiandra’s website. She used her last name in the domain name and built her website accordingly. Her domain name, logo, color theme of the website, etc. everything fits perfectly with each other. Her idea of building the website is really innovative.

Elizabeth Okiji website URL-

Secondly, I want to talk about Elizabeth’s website. This website stood out to me for many reasons, but especially because it was the only website that is based on food blogging. She has also posted the full description of the recipe along with the ingredients list and proper description. I believe by following her post anyone can cook this amazing dish. Her blog post is no less than a professional one.

Zia’s Website URL-

I also like Zia’s website. His website is based on sports where he shared some amazing sports-related content. The home page has some amazing photographs as well as some cool GIFs. I am looking forward to reading some of his blog posts in the future.

Overall, everyone has very creative websites with cool content. I enjoyed visiting all of them.

2 thoughts on “Assignment-12: Sharing Website’s URL & Some Social Media Fun”

  1. Going through all our classmates websites really reiterates how fun this class is. We are able to express our ideas creatively and have a lot of with it, and during finals week, the website was a really good break from it all.

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