CT101 Final Blog Post/ Zia Shadi
Hello CT101 My fellow classmates, this is my final blog post for this course. I want to reflect on everything I did so far for this course and display some of my best work with the assignments and projects. This class really helped me in the learning process, and being creative really enhanced my ability to create some of the best masterpieces I have ever done in my life. Before taking this course, I just thought it would have assignments, quizzes, and exams. However, Prof. Ryan made it extremely helpful for us to just learn and improve on our creativity using the internet.
NOW I will like to use my mid-semester recap to help me complete my final blog for CT101.
Please let me walk through each week of learning new tools and working with various assignments. The first week I worked on Assignment #1 – What Makes You Happy on the Internet? In this assignment, the task was to share media, images, and links to get my feet wet on content. I struggled with hyperlinks however I learned how to use them efficiently and became good at using them.
Assignment #2 – Making our first GIF & GIF Post Narratives! I was very skeptical about creating GIFS at first but understanding the creativeness of editing and seeing the connection I was trying to make felt really enjoyable using the website “GIPHY“. Sharing GIFs and creating them for text writing felt really important because he allowed me to give out certain information.
Assignment #3 – Memes? Art? I was able to story tell using Memes let me be honest at first I felt weird because of my opinions on Memes as a whole of it not being considered “Art” however understanding the new ways of communication through image and text can be more comfortable using them now. In this assignment, I was introduced to the websites Imgur and Make A Meme these sites played a huge part in for me to create Memes for my blog.
Assignment #4 – Digital Storytelling Project Flexibility this assignment was probably the longest to complete. Working with the DS106 Assignment Bank to pick two projects, for me I did the code assignments and wanted to learn Design Assignments specifically the Sports Poster. For this assignment, I worked step by step process and showed off my code for the end result. I was able to create a small math guessing game for the “Make A Simple Program”.
Assignment #5 – Digital Art & Creative Immediacy this assignment is very recent, we had to style and work on defining the meanings of Creativity + Intuition + Immediacy =… I had to really think a lot about what to do this assignment tested my imagination. Being able to create a webpage and design it was very fun. The main source of doing this assignment was using the mmm. page on the web browser which was really helpful. I got to use and learn how to create a webpage design with links to other websites. Linking videos on the page and showing the features of tab buttons. Before CT101 I have never worked with creating Memes and GIPHY almost everything is new to me as far as the creation of the contents!!! At this point, I feel like I have improved on creativity and created different content information.

The second half of CT101 was a bit harder for me I had to spend some time catching up with my other classes and real-life problems hit but we got through it I would like now tell you about the journey of the 2nd phase of this course.
Assignment #7 – It’s Time to Pick a Domain Name, we had to pick out a domain name for our website, I created a list that had some great examples for the name of my website one of the names I moved forward was ZSports.com. Also in this assignment, I got to display some of my favorite websites I visit every day.
Assignment #8: Domain Name Registration, Hosting Set-Up & WordPress Installation! In this week’s blog post I had the chance to explain the process of creating a Domain Name, registration, Hosting, and Setting up the WordPress Installation. First I had the chance to choose a domain name that has to be able to use due to it being already registered. I had a series of names I wanted to put but for my website, I chose Zsports2022.com which was available.
Assignment # 9: The WordPress Customizing Series, Part 1, I basically started my customizing my websites by choosing the theme “Twenty Twenty”, adding a logo, and creating the About page and Contact. I was exploring my options with different editing tools and colors and watching video tutorials really helped me start editing my website.
Assignment #10: Exploring the WordPress Potentials, Part II! For this assignment I created my first blog post “Dear Fellow Readers – I just published a new blog post here on my website: http://zsports2022.com please come and check it out and feel free to engage in some fun dialog. Thanks so much”.
Assignment #11: Panoramic Storytelling & Multiplicity, for this assignment I was able to tell a fictional story also connecting the panoramic images that I took at the movie theaters.
Assignment #12: Share your Website’s URL & Some Social Media Fun, for this assignment I had the pleasure of exploring and discovering some of the websites my classmates created, which were amazing to see. It was great communication by looking at each other’s work and making helpful comments on how our websites looked.
This class CT101 has been really the most enjoyable class for me this semester. I feel like I have learned many tools and mainly I enabled myself to express myself on the Internet. I never thought blogging was going was too fun, it always felt like a boring task however CT101 changed that perspective for me. It helped me become creative which I felt I never tried to enhance myself to try to be. I was able to create a website on WordPress using my own domain name which is truly amazing. I have created two blog posts on my website using GIFs and Memes which I felt were the main roots of the tools we used in CT101. In the real world, I would like to maybe use my new skills in freelancing to create websites using WordPress and create Memes, and use GIFs that are reliable for art.
I don’t know if I can maintain my new website because I want to pursue my career in Software Developing so I may not have that much free time to spend on my website but I would like to try to keep my domain name and my website to be available. Maybe I can blog about my new experiences in the nearest future.
OK, guys. Now I would like to show you my new website, zsports2022, and give you a tour of it.
On my “Home” page, all of my latest posts will be displayed with content that also connects the 2 main categories for me, which are gaming and sports. These are the main sections I would like to cover only on this website. I created a logo and came up with a slogan, which I put near the logo to show the viewers and give them an understanding of what my website is.
This is the footer section of my website. This is where I explain what to expect on my website and my location where they can try to contact me if I’m in my office. This footer section is at the bottom of every single page on the website. I wanted to make sure my viewers see what my website has to offer.
It’s really important to add an “About” page because I want the viewers to know about me and what my motive is for creating this website
On my “My Blogs” page, I added a subsection with more blogs to come, as you can see from the drop-down button. I will be posting more blogs on this page, but it will be based on how much free time I have and I’m still thinking about what to do with this page. I might use outside content or show research or various articles relating to the health benefits of sports and video games.
My “Contact” page is pretty simple. I added my email where viewers can contact me and ask me questions. I added Twitter as my social media content where they can see, interact with me, or tweet me. The other link is via email, where my email is also linked with it. For Twitter currently, I put the York College Twitter handle. When the viewers click the bird icon, it will take them to the York College Twitter page.
This is my “Gaming” page where all the gaming blogs and content will be. As you can see, I have Gaming as one of my categories because my home page has blogs, and also those same blogs will be on the Gaming page. This page is hard to contain because the gaming industry is growing day by day and the content can be diverse between casual gamers and competitive gamers. For me, it’s hard to choose what I want to continue on my website, whether I want to talk about the games themselves or the professional side of it.
This is my “Sports” page where all my sports blogs and content will be displayed, which is also another important category I have added, which will help me have my posts on my home page and also viewers can access them on the sports page. Sports as a whole are really huge. For me, it’s difficult to choose what sport to talk about, and also, I question whether I can make it sound interesting. Sports topics are cool and there are debates on who is the best of all time in that specific sport, or we can look at who’s the best sportsperson ever.
The last page on my website is the “Advertise Page” which contains blog advertisements. It shows links and other websites that help advertise our blogs, and it’s a great tool to know and understand. I don’t know If I want to pursue leaving this page on my website, it’s a decision I will like to make in the future. However, now it’s fine to keep on there.
I like to keep my menu brief!!!
CT101 is one of the best classes I have ever taken in college, It has been a heck of a journey learning a lot of new things on the internet and tools. I personally want to thank Prof. Ryan for being a great professor for teaching us these cool things and for being understandable. We just could’ve had boring exams and assignments, but Prof. Ryan allowed us to be free and express ourselves to become creators on the internet. The main concept for me is becoming more creative, and CT101 taught me that. With the great feedback from Prof. Ryan on each of my assignments, I really feel like I deserve an A or even an A+ grade just because I was able to fix my assignment post and respond and communicate back with the professor. With the assignment requirements and giving feedback to classmates, I feel like I can get that higher grade.
Epic Work on this!
Thank you so much!
This is great example of CT 101 Skills learned and applied!
Your website looks fantastic and flows really well, you blogging and storytelling skills evolved each and every week!
110% effort given across all criteria!
Well done Sir!
The Top grade has easily be earned and accounted for – plus it lives here transparently!
Thank you!
Hi Zia, I agree with you, This class was extremely beneficial to my learning process and being creative and I wish you the best of luck.