Assignment #2

Photo gif. The Thinker statue edited to having his finger move up and down. The loading circle for computers is next to his finger, so it looks like he's controlling the spin.










On the first day of CT101, I was eager and inquisitive to begin the course. However, I couldn’t help but notice the absence of assignment deadlines. Personally, I appreciate having deadlines because they motivate me and enable better time management.

Friends gif. Matt Leblanc as Joey shugs and gives a large frown as if he doesn't really care.

To be honest, I haven’t formed strong feelings about the course and its creative content yet.

Cartoon gif. Batman and Robin from the original cartoon sit in the Batmobile smiling and nodding. There’s a small yeti in the back seat that stares dead eyed.

CT101 stands out from my other classes because it provides Zoom archives, a feature I find quite convenient. It would be great if all my classes could offer this option. While I don’t have any issues with Commons, I do prefer using a consistent platform across all my courses.

Friends gif. Matt LeBlanc as Joey sits on the couch with a box of pizza flung open between his legs. He holds a slice of pepperoni pizza and pauses in the middle of his bite to think hard about something. No thought can be found and he says with chewing, “I don’t know”

I’m not sure about the creative potentials of this class yet.

SpongeBob gif. SpongeBob pumps his arms up and down excitedly, biting his little yellow lip.SpongeBob gif. SpongeBob pumps his arms up and down excitedly, biting his little yellow lip.

AND I’m always excited about learning new skills that involve Internet tools.

1 thought on “Assignment #2”

  1. Hi, hmm, Im assuming this is a draft or a work in progress right?
    Totally fine if it is!
    Keep going!
    No need to keep the assignment question in the final post, you can edit that out or make the questions flow in your own words!
    Have fun!

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