Assignment 5

Hey. Its been a longgggggggggggggg while since Ive posted due to personal reasons.. Anyways! Hope everyone has been alright and im here to speak about why I choose these 2 assignments. First off for assignment 1. The name of it is Hercules!
The movie is very inspirational to me as it is.  His journey to become a true hero despite his shortcomings is a classic underdog story that resonates with many people. The theme of overcoming challenges and finding one’s true self is inherently inspiring.
(As you can see here below this is the assignment 1.)
To do this I found a blank photo from my favorite part of the movie which was..
All i did was go into Photopea and put a textbox below and added a drop shadow with a bit of glow to the quote and. voila!!
Now for the second one. I chose…

Not to flex or anyhting but before this I was in Photography 101 with Ms Formica. She is literally just like the professor we have now for ct101 very understanding and easy going! Anyways to get to the point here is what i Started off with this.


I then took another photo like thiss

I then merged the two photos on Photoshop and created this very cool looking clone effect!
I have always been in love with the idea of altering photos with photoshop as my older brother is a big inspiration to me! Thanks for reading!!

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