Potential Domain Names
- Groomingwithki
- Animalsandki
- Animalsworldwide
- Gonzalezanimalcare
- groomingwithcare
- caretogroom
Why these names?
I plan to create a website for my future career. I plan on becoming a veterinarian and I am currently in the dog grooming business (soon to be cats too), with these sets of skills I can become a one stop shop for some animal caregivers. Sometimes in the grooming industry there are accidents that happen and with a veterinarian close by, all can be taken care of. Sometimes with some rescue animals they need medical grooming and that can occur in my business. There are so many different options and services that I can provide when the time comes, a website would make it easier to spread the news about the business, promote the business and give information on the business. Although I major in journalism, I can use my acquired skills to expand on my business and broadcast it so that my audience is unlimited and it can expand.
Some Websites
The internet makes the world smaller and the ASPCA is one of the most recognized facilities for animal related care and rescue, I like it because it is where I was able to adopt my cat who is my bestest friend.
On television National geographic is another animal related watch and there are so many different stories about different animals, it is always dramatic but fun to watch and gain some knowledge.
I own a cat and a dog so I like to use a website to get their food, any medications, toys or any other things they might need.
The only thing that has me worried about websites is that when building them, a lot of complications can arise so every intricate detail matters and can effect how the website might function. I will have to do a lot of research and make sure that the website will be as perfect as it can be.
ohhh we always always need to add images to our posts, please add at least 203 for each post, this is context and visual necessity – good work, thank you!