Assignment 7 Domain names

Write a new blog post that shares a few of the potential domain names that you would consider using for your website. List them (at least 5-10 potential names) and say a few words about why they would be good examples for the website that you will build.

These names can relate to me because I always wanted to make a sort of bot website for this app called discord. Discord is just like the other social media platforms which its mainly about gaming/connecting with people. I had discord since 2016 and always used it. In discord, there are bots that people make that make it a game-changer.  An example of a discord bot would be a bot called Chip.  Chip is a bot that people use to listen to music. the purpose of having a music bot is list/play your favorite music with your friends in one place.

How to use chip

What will your new website be about? This part is totally up to you! If you wish, you can use the website project itself for a specific project, for example, perhaps you want to share your passion for cooking and poetry. Which means you will be primarily writing blog posts about cooking and poetry. This can also be applied to sports, or gaming, or politics or journalism, or simply put, website that fused together many interests as well as your ct101 assignments.  Share your thoughts, excitements, fears and any other sentiments about how you are feeling about this next chapter in your life as a website owner! Please include a few hyperlinks and or screen shots of some of your favorite websites, let us know why you like them!  

I plan to make my website about either, as I said earlier, making bots for this specific platform or something related to gaming since I enjoy it very much. Listing games that I would recommend people try out. So it will mainly be a source of information type of website for a specific topic. Youtube is what I always use because of how useful it is. Many people, including myself, enjoy having something to watch to learn or find something entertaining. Another website I like is Imgflip which is a website to make memes. I always like making memes for just the laughs and giggles. Memes are very enjoyable, and making your memes is just as cool as finding memes.