Assignment #7 — Mid-Semester Re-Cap Time!

Mid-Semester means … we are almost done! well more than halfway done at this point …


How am I doing in CT101?

I believe I am doing very well with CT101. I have completed all 6 assignments plus this one I am all caught up. I have the tendency to be very stern with my homework, I don’t like for my homework to pile up because than I get too stressed out and I feel like pulling my hair out. This semester I am taking five classes; so homework’s are a priority.

What have I learned and retained the most?

I have always had a problem with retaining information, it is something I have struggled with my whole life. The videos Prof. Ryan records for class are such an excellent thing for me because I can always refer back to them. I do remember how to use the websites and their software’s, but a little reinforcement never hurt anyone.

What new skills have I developed, cultivated and displayed regularly in my weekly posts?

Out of all the programs we have worked with, Giphy has been my favorite ones so far, also removebg because I could literally remove the background of any desire image by just clicking “remove background” can it get any complex than that?! and back to Giphy, I have learned to make GIFs by embedding videos to make GIFs.

What do I know now that I did not know before taking this class?

HOW TO USE WORDPRESS. I remember taking graphic design classes when I was in high school and that’s the furthest, I ever worked with technology. It has been a really interesting journey from the beginning of the semester to now.  All the programs with have used in the class I have never used before it, and I am looking forward to what the rest of the semester has to offer.

What grade do I believe I am maintaining and why do I deserve that grade? 

I have completed all 6 assignments and participate in class, engage in all types of discussions because I am a curious soul who needs to know the ins and outs of everything.

Do I see my weekly blogging work expanding creatively? If so, please explain why –  or am I stuck in a loop where my posts seem to look the same most of the time, how will I change that?

I would say as weeks pass and we learn a new program with the usage of them my work has expanded creatively. The more programs we use the flexibility and ability to get more creative we have. I felt stuck in a loop when it came to working with DS106 at the beginning but rewatching the class recording over and over again helps a lot!

Are there any assignments that you are missing? If so, list them.

Because of the way I work and the way I am when it comes to my classes and the commitment I have with them, I am not missing any assignments. I was back up with assignment #5 and #6 but I caught up during the weekend.

Are you commenting regularly on your classmates posts? Are you responding back to comments given to you by the professor & your classmates?

I do not comment on my classmates posts regularly but I will work on that soon. I do comment back on the feedback I get from prof. Ryan and the classmates that comment on my posts. That is the one thing I can improve at and also getting to class on time instead of 20 minutes late. My goal over the next weeks is to comment on my classmates’ posts.

1 thought on “Assignment #7 — Mid-Semester Re-Cap Time!”

  1. Excellent work on this!
    Love the constant evolution of your work and storytelling!
    Your grade is spot on!!
    Forward we go!
    Thank you!

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