Hey everyone welcome back we have made it to the MIDDLE of the semester. Okay, we actually already passed the middle of the semester by the time I am writing this we actually have arrived by the end of the semester. If I am being honest this semester was really stressful not just with school work but also because of my personal life I won’t get into it due to being personal but damn it’s been a stressful few months. In the end, things seem better so that makes me feel more calm.
Let’s get into other things instead of all this sad stuff. Recently the 3DS eShop shut down made me sad funny enough I actually made an entire video about it asking some york students how they felt took me a while to edit the video but I got to it. The video was for one of my Journalism classes and I am pretty proud of how it turned out in the end. If anyone is interested I can most def send it idk how comfortable I feel posting it here just because the parts I am in make me cringe a bit I was never a fan of watching myself. For any gamers out there though let’s give a moment of silence for the amazing 3DS eshop. You shall be missed. ]
That’s all I have for now especially since it’s the last day for me to post all of these blog posts. I will see you guys in the next one.