assignment 8 domain

ok so going through this process for me was easy until the the ending process but we aren’t  there yet.
so first I had to think about what name i wanted so I tiered outing plutxkami which is my handle I go by on social media . but when it was to to finish the domain they had given me a fraud error!!!!
after they had gave me this message I thought that maybe the problem lies with my domain name even though it was available maybe it was inappropriate some how so I started making another one with a different domain name by kanekk3 which also gave me the same fraud message.
at this point I had already tied another domain name such as k3a3n3e and used a different email but no matter what I did I kept getting the same message. so I emailed the professor after I submitted a support  ticket to the company.
long story short after a while they got back to me and activated  my original domain named plutxkami so now I can finally move on.