Assignment#7 The easiest part…

Megatron griffin family guy peter griffin GIF on GIFER - by Adorabandis

I’m not very good with naming things, lot of my art pieces aren’t titled, and if they are they’re usually given very basic names unless I’ve thought of something very good.

But surprisingly it was pretty easy for me to title my site ‘ethanedwardsdotart’ however I’ve also considered using “”, “ethanedwards.comic”, “ethanedwardsdotcomics”, and “ethanedwardsdotcenteral”. 

I mainly considered these names because they are all part of my personal brand. My Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and other social media platforms are given that name. 

I want to use this site to consolidate all my work but not in the same way I use my portfolio but more in a way that a streaming service like Disney+ would consolidate their work.

Unlike Disney+, my work will still remain on other platforms. I won’t post illustrations on this site, mostly comics and other things. 

Hopefully, without the restrictions of webcomic hosting sites, I can post my stories in high quality and even with limited censorship and alterations. 

I’m pretty excited about this, I’ve been meaning to do this for a while because, in the event that my work is unavailable on those sites, I need a place where I can have them up. 

It’s almost like a contingency plan incase maybe these sites go down or I get locked out of my account.

I can also monetize my website and have ads on my site without having to wait for the platforms on that I post my work to give me eligibility for monetization.

2 thoughts on “Assignment#7 The easiest part…”

  1. Hi Ethan, that sounds awesome!!! I look forward to reading some of your comics, I’m sure they’ll be awesome. Hopefully, the page will come together the way you want it to, good luck with everything!!!!

  2. Excellent work on this!
    I love all of the ideas and think it will be great to help showcase your art!
    I post everything on my website first and foremost before going to social media, (unless its just something silly) this is a good move for artists!
    I too have the same trouble with the naming of things.. especially art works, I usually get a better name for each piece 2 years after it is completed.. haha, better late than never!
    Great work on this, Im excited to see how your site develops!

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