What Have I Learned?
Wow, it’s the end of the semester!
Wow, I can’t believe it! Even though I have been waiting for this semester to be over. This semester has definitely been the hardest for me. I took a couple of classes that were quite intense in writing (my WORST subject) which have literally kicked my ass lol. I could genuinely say that CT101 has been my escape from it all.
I really enjoyed assisting CT101 and learning things that I never knew I needed. I was fascinated when we learned about Gifs and Memes because I love using them and sharing them in my daily life.

^ This one is my favorite Gif I created! I love the Office and this part of the episode was hilarious so my first Gif just had to be this! I loved learning how to make Gifs, Memes, add them to my post, I enjoyed learning how to hyperlink. (that’s currently my favorite song), adding photos and media to my posts and discovering new elements in every class we had.
I enjoyed creating my website. I would say that this class taught me something that I have always wanted to know, and that is the idea of a website. It was lots of fun playing and discovering new little customizations that I could do on my website and adjusting it to MY liking.
Will I Keep my Website?
I do plan on keeping my website and hopefully be able to maintain it. I recently have taken an eyelash extension course, meaning I want to be my own boss and start providing services for the ladies out there that would love to get their eyelashes on fleek. I would like to transform by Travel Blogs website into an Eyelash website! I can see that this website has great potential in helping me cater my services and help me provide a platform where my work can be portrayed through images, comments, links to social media, and maybe even able to provide bookings through my site. I am honestly excited for what the future may have in store for me and for my website. I know that it will be a beneficial factor in my life.
Final Website Link & Description
This is my website – http://eyeconicny.com/
My website consists of three pages.
- My Home Page – where you will find a photo gallery of pictures taken by me!
- Blogs page – Where I have three posts published of trips I have taken.
- About me page – I introduce myself and explain how I will use my website.
My website is a place where I post blogs of memorable pictures taken on my iPhone of places I go, people I am with, and the things I eat! When I was building this website it did give me a couple of headaches. I am not a very patient person so I would get frustrated when I did not know how to fix certian problems.
I had a little bit of frustration when including a gallery on my website. I wanted the gallery centered on my home page, but for some reason, it would all shift to the right of the screen! Even my heading was shifted to the right of the screen! I watched the professor’s videos in hopes that maybe I could find the answers and techniques needed. I also played with it for about two days lol. I thought maybe my computer was glitching. In the end, I reached out to Professor Seslow and he suggested a couple of videos on youtube and gave me a couple of tips 🙂
I was finally able to center my home page and *sigh* it was such a relief and satisfaction to me. There’s nothing better than FINALLY figuring it out!
After I fixed this issue I had I was on a roll on finally being able to proceed in creating and customizing my website.
What Grade Do I Deserve?
Honestly speaking I would love to give myself an A LOL who wouldn’t! But realistically I believe that I deserve a B- because I am aware that I have missed a couple of assignments and posts which is the reason why my grade might be affected. Although I did miss a couple of posts I did in fact put a lot of work into my website! I enjoyed working on it and making it appear presentable.