What a Wonderful Ride it Was!!

Just like life, class CT 101 has been a roller coaster ride. It had its ups and downs, its twists and turns; but overall, it has been an exhilarating ride. I went in blindfolded and dumbfounded. https://youtu.be/MPam03FXb1Y. It was like going on a blind date that went perfect.
“Now it’s time to say good-bye to all my company, M-I-C-K-E-Y ….M-O-U-S-E”

See you real soon!
But first, let’s check out all of my marvelous Blogs. Enjoy…
My first blog, I didn’t know what in the world what I was doing at all. “Bang, Zoom. To the moon Alice!” That’s how I felt. Like someone knocked me into outer space. LOL.
With my first blog, Professor Seslow taught the class about
At the middle of the assignment I felt like giving everyone a wonderful shout out. I began to feel a bit more light and fluffy. I was beginning to get the hang of things. Yay me!!!!!!
We were taught to incorporate gifs with links to support our writing. I must say that after a little time, I really became comfortable with the techniques and structure that was required by Professor Seslow.
I am a journalism major. I believe that what has been taught to me thus far can be a major asset in my field. After all, journalism has
many arteries.
Check out the image of arteries on this youtube video. Massive kool huh???
https://youtu.be/LQne1SILsVk . Oh yeah, did I mention that we were taught how to use youtube for illustrations of our message for the viewers? Soooooo massive kool, don’t you agree?
As you will notice, I become a bit better with each blog.
Let us go a bit further to my Second Blog Post.
During registration for this semester, I was required to select an elective course. Upon reading the detailed information pertaining to this class, I decided to jump into the deep side of the pool knowing that I could not swim at all. In other words, I was not well versed in the computer world nor its capabilities and it’s use of creativity.
Talking about confused……but I decided to jump in…..
I came to find that it wasn’t as scary as I thought. It actually was quite wonderful and exciting. The anticipation of understanding and completing the assignment was nerve racking. To my complete surprise, the assignment itself was uplifting. But isn’t that the way life works?
I really enjoyed the class. It was much different than any other class that I have ever taken. Professor Seslow is kind, patient, and nurturing.
The sky is indeed the limit and at the touch of your fingertips.
The class brings to light a whole new language and its uses.
How could I resist?????
At this point of my digital story-telling learning process, I have decided that this class is not only massive kool, but very enlightening. The professor asked us to decide if internet memes should be considered a form of art work? I believe that they are. Not that long ago, graffiti was considered a public nuisance and the defaming of property.
Just as graffiti has come to be recognized as a work of art, a piece of
so too has memes. Memes are nothing more than a consolidated story of feelings.
Now that’s funny!!! Talk about confidence…..I’m getting there.
Slowly I turn, step by step, inch by inch, I am GETTING THERE.
This is just an example of a meme and a gif. Tell me you don’t feel the message. I’m sure that you can, and I’m sure that you do. Is this an expression of an art form or what? It’s not on anything stationary, which brings confusion to many folks.

It has been decided by many, and many people believe that memes are a work of and an expression of art.
What difference do you see between the two? Don’t worry, I’ll wait lol………..
Have you figured it out? Cartoons shows movement, but…..comics do not. Cartoons are moving animated figures, memes can be actual or animated moving figures. Look at how much progression has taken place in the tech arena and I’m sure that there’s so much more to come.
Does it not remind you of a cellular flip phone? Woooooow…. Things that make you go hmmmmm. It’s just another example that the more things change, the more they stay the same. So in retrospect, memes aren’t going anywhere. As a matter of fact, they have been a part of art for years. The only twist is that it is now digital.
Ain’t that a kick in the head?
And just like any other form of communication, memes can be used for good or bad. Let’s stay focused on the good shall we?
Now that’s more like it, don’t you think?
This meme brings more humor, but gets the same point across.
They are also a form of cultural expression!
If you think that my blog is telling a story with not only the words, but by my use of illustrations, then we can agree that memes contribute greatly to the telling of a story. Written words are a form of art all by itself. But when they are accompanied with the use of memes, the story becomes so much more vivid, inviting, and eye catching.
I hope that you enjoy my analogy of the class with the memes provided. It tells a story about my experience of Class CT101.
These memes are my forms of expression displaying my disposition, my emotions, and the spirit of the class. In THIS CLASS, Professor Seslow had a very unique way of teaching and grading. Books? Absolutely NOT. Over bearing requirements? I don’t think so. Expectations? Yes. All professors should have his bedside manner. He is such an extraordinary individual.
He goes all in making sure that you get a touchdown!!!! My Professor truly cares.
Moving right along…
Oh Oh….Ohhhh nooooo….ummff, ummff, ummff. SMH.
Talking about confused…
The website DS106 is kinda advanced for my blood. It’s undeniable that I’m glad that it has been introduced to me; however, this project will take me some time to fully comprehend and master. It is indeed a very creative and useful website that allows creativity to free fall.
Niagara Falls comes to mind when I think about this website.

Look how something that is one in the same take on different lives of its own. This is so remarkable and totally amazing. I find its waterfall to be one of the most greatest arts and gifts to this world.
Now I’m not saying that Reddit, Daily Create, or Photoshop Battle is as lovely and majestic as the waterfall, but it is does come close to its wonderment.
So in essence, this website is one of the projects that will benefit and contribute to my creative abilities of building and expression of my artistic creations and thoughts!
Even though this semester has come to an end, what has been taught to me has just been given birth and is ready to soar like the
mighty eagle.
This blog surrounds “Digital Art Making Immediacy,” and the introduction of the
This website opens up a world of not only creativity, but also it allows you to use your intuition and comply with immediacy. I must admit that this is a clever and unique combination. It allows personal intimacy that is attached to your own web browser. I found that to be ummmmm different. It’s not quite a website, but it is not that far removed.
This brain with all of its colors and electrodes, helps to describe the brain of all persons working on this particular assignment. Isn’t it amazingly and awesomely magnificent? What another fine work of art. Can you imagine that this is what the human brain looks like and how it behaves with positive stimulation?
The use of this web browser has shown me, and has made me very aware of the skills afforded to a person that can be applied to their fullest potential. I mean just stop and really
observe all of the skills, techniques and tools that a
square technical machine can bring.
I have discovered that the use of these devices has allowed me a certain freedom of expression. I must admit that it feels pretty swell!
That’s not me per say, but I’m sure that you get the gist!
At this point in time, I am at mid-semester. I am having a ball jumping in the deep end of the pool. It is deep and invigorating. Many of my fears have disappeared even though I still have a long way to go. I’m doing pretty well in class CT101.
Do you see how well that I’m doing with hyperlinks and memes? I find them to be so informative and creative all at the same time. These are the new skills that I have developed, cultivated, and displayed regularly in my weekly posts. I am really enjoying the use of them for creative speech.
As the weeks go by, I can see the expansion of my work. My posts are getting not only longer, but they have more meat, more substance.
I am stretching and flexing .
Everything that I have been taught thus far has been new to me. This course has enlightened me about new roads, highways, and byways!
Isn’t it amazing how the internet and roads share the same qualities? They both bring a person to a new desired destination.
Picking the appropriate domain name for a website, is easier said than done. It’s just as important as naming your baby. Actually it is your baby!
Just like all new mothers, I am still doing my best to get the hang of things. It’s all so exciting and brand new. Just as mothers grow with their babies, it remains the same of the growth with a website. Everyday there are new things developing and changing.
Registering my Domain Name for my new website was like a roller coaster ride. It has many loops and turns, ins and outs, plug-ins and options. I found it to be a fascinating experience and quite a ride.
The ride was exciting; but more importantly, the transition was as
smooth as silk.
Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day! Things are going my way!
Yabba -Dabba- Doo!
Due to some type of firewall wi-fi protection glitch, we were not allowed access to our website while we were on campus. Even though Professor Seslow provides supported recorded tutorials that are a big help and at our disposal, I grasp information quicker following along in a classroom setting.
So, I need to make it clear that there was no fault on Professor Seslows behalf. As I mentioned earlier, he is an exceptional teacher with many student building talents. This technical situation was an on- campus IT problem that was not rectified before the end of the semester.
It is an unfortunate situation that my fellow scholars and myself were
robbed of the
complete learning experience. I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but I was excited to get to this point in class only to be slighted of the vital, visual, hands on experience that was planned and incorporated for the conclusion of this semester.
I’ve done my best and I have put my best foot forward!
On my website, I write about any and all positive creativity. I’m still very new with the whole process. But I’m positive that in time and tinkering around with all of it’s availability, I will master all of its uses afforded to me.
So sit back and take a look at the beginning of my baby…Enjoy!!!
Pam, WOW! This is by far, one of most extensive, engaging, informative, fun-flowing final assessment posts that I have seen to date in CT101!
You are a natural storytelling and must continue!!
Thank you so much for the hard work, the consistency and commitment to the course!
Each and every skill learned in our class has been applied in this post! Bravo!
Thank you for the kind words and I too learned so much more than I could ever express!
It was a great semester and I will miss you all!!
Thank you!!
Thank you for the kind words. I’ve really enjoyed your class, and to speak frankly, I’m sorry that it’s over. I wouldn’t mind being under your thumb for more of an education in this field. Not to be a pain, but when and where will the final grades be posted?
Thank you so much!
Sending you an e-mail 🙂