Domain name(naming your child)

I am super excited to have reached this part of the class

Picking a Domain name is like naming your child! It its one of the most important things that you will have to do while creating a website. Important but also hard and I dont mean the actual process of purchasing it, that’s the easy part a quick google search and you can own a domain name in the next few minutes.

The hard part for me is finding a domain that in a way or another describes the purpose of your website, Can not  have a websites on how to train your dog and a domain name like It would be easy to find a domain name that in a way brings meaning to your website, the problem is that not all are available. It is going to be super exciting for me to find a domain name.

I would like my Domain name to have my name, because it would be a personal website with link and and pictures of projects that I have done while in college.

bellow I will show a list of potential domain names


