The assignment I chose is a visual one. I wanted to put myself in a Michael Jackson concert. The skills needed for this task are essential in today’s world of the internet, being able to crop and add images in layers is a skill I feel can be used in many aspects.
DS 106 assignment, this assignment was very difficult for me the assignment I choose is concert I would like to be. as soon as I saw that option i knew that that is the one for me. I love Michael Jackson and well would have loved to see him in concert. So picking my assignment was the easy part. I then began my search in google to find a picture that I think would be great to put myself in. This wasn’t hard, I found the perfect picture and that is where trouble my nightmare began.
The skills needed for this assignment is to know how to get that image from google to save to my laptop and making sure i had a photo application on my laptop to get this picture added and be able to crop and layer my picture on. I installed photoshop on my computer a free trail for 2 weeks, I also installed a pixeler that was used in the tutorial i watched in the ds 106 compository . none of these worded for me. I felt like crying i worked so hard on trying to make this all work. So after weeks of being unsuccessful and feeling like like i was never going to get this right, i reached out to Professor Seslow via email and he responded quickly sent me a dfferent photo editing site and agreed to help me before class.
I tried the photopea site on my own and still the picture i choose was not working so I finally decided that this picture had to be the problem and i went back to google this time on my cell phone, I found another picture this was great right until I went to my laptop and tried to find the same picture and was not successful I got frustrated again and talked myself into calming down. Then i decided to email myself from my cell phone and retrieve it that email on my laptop. And Thank GOD that worked what a sigh of relief. I got a picture onto the photopea cite the professor sent me. The next day he helped me resize and fix my picture
Now the project I didn’t choose but would like to attempt and complete is the from the ds 106 site. I think there will be skills I can learn doing this assignment that will be fun.