DS106 Assignment

Hello everyone,

For this assignment, I will attempt a “Visual Assignment” from the DS 106 website. The project I chose to do is called “Places of Peace.”

Places of Peace

I used Spark. Adobe to edit the images in a collage. This is how it looks…

This collage contains four aspects of my life that bring peace when I am stressed. The first thing I would like to do is to go out somewhere around nature (beach or parks) sit there and listen to music. Makeup is another therapy for me if I cannot go or want to go out. Even around midnight, when I can’t sleep or overthink stuff, I start doing makeup because it helps me to divert my mind. However, one of the easiest ways to be peaceful is having a cup of coffee while talking to my friends.



5 thoughts on “DS106 Assignment”

    1. thank you, I’m glad you liked it. Yes, I like Adobe Spark, it is very easy to use. I tried some other website/app but either I didn’t understand or I have to pay for it.

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