About a day after the semester began while frantically looking for classes to put my schedule together, I stumbled upon this class. I wondered what digital storytelling really meant. I made my way to “rate my professor” in an attempt to get some insight on what kind of professor Ryan Seslow was like. Luckily I only saw good things.

On the first day of class I was impressed by how Professor Seslow was able to connect with the class. Most professors don’t even bother getting to know their students, so I was interested in how this class was going to go. Especially knowing that creative freedom is encouraged through the course of this class.

I enjoyed hearing about the course and it’s creative content. I was excited that we would be using a completely different program other than blackboard because I quite frankly find it to be tedious to use at times. I nearly broke into song

Well apart from the one thing that we are all relieved about which is not having to deal with boring long-winded essays and discussion boards, ct101 compared to my other classes actually pushes me to share the creative part of myself. It also allows me to give others a look at my sense of humor and interests.

The creative potential of this class was more than I initially thought. My mind was blown when I learned that we would be doing assignments in the form of blog posts, and also creating our own websites. All the creative ideas I was envisioning sent my brain into overdrive.

I am completely open to learning skills that utilize internet tools. This new generation of technology is rapidly advancing, and I want to learn more about it if I can. I’ve always been fascinated by electronics and the way they work so this is familiar ground for me.
Thank you, this is looking great! Nice gif selections and a fun flow to the storytelling!
Embedding media and crafting blog posts takes practice, after we produce a result, we can always ask, How can I expand upon it? What can be added here? A few more images? A meme or two? Can you hyperlink to other web pages that share context to the images / gifs that you placed here? Does Snooki have a website? Lol đŸ™‚
these are so beautiful GIFs. happiness, emotion, fun, and music all are together here. great post.