Today we’re taking an inside look at one of our classmates websites. I scrolled far enough on the comment section that my clicker landed right on Vinika Harrinarine’s website @
AND i have to say my gosh. WOW!
Everything just pops. I love how she choose the black background with the white lettering, it is very complementary to the outline of the photos she has on her static page. Also the image placement, on how they are very subway styleish are just extraordinary. ON TOP OF THAT her pictures!!! They are so retro New Yorker, they really give off Friends central perk vibes and this makes me so jealous. I choose to go with a teal background on my website and it does not pop as much as yours, honestly great job!
My favorite blog post on her website will have to be the Cantina Rooftop:
the food and location looks very appetizing and pleasant. As a foodie myself i’m always looking for new food and adventures, and i will be sure to check out Cantina Rooftop, as there is not much Mexican dining locations on my list. I have to say Vinikas Website really inspired me to step my websites game up and get posting more creative content!
Thanks for looking at my website!?