My official domain name is Dessydoc. This is because my website will be a place for users to be able to understand my way of thinking and get to know me . This will also be a place people can comment questions and have them answered. Some people don’t have people to turn to , and I want them to know they can use my website as an outlet . I’ve just begun to step out my shell and really let the world know what I have to offer . As a child my outlets were art , writing and through music . Writing is something magical and has been close to my heart forever . As a child I remember being immersed in literature, it was a safe haven . Now as an adult I understand the power of tone , language , and emphasis. I’d like to provide a sense of security to my viewers and allow them to see life impacts everyone differently . I would speak on topics that are appealing to viewers in my range 18-25 and speak on ways to cope . People often make content self centered but I want to make a change within my people . Emotion has been smeared as a useful thing and I want to demolish stereotypes .
2 thoughts on “Registering Domain Name”
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I really like what you’re going to be doing through your website. Many people don’t have an outlet like art, writing, or someone who they can talk to and they might feel alone and it’s amazing that you are going to help them. I believe that with someone by your side either giving you advice or simply listening is already such a big help. They’ll be able to go out their comfort zone and I’m positive that your website would be a safe zone for many.
Sounds good! And great plans for you site!
By the way, for the domain, is that going to be .com or .net or .org?
Also, I notice that you have a series of images here that might supposed to be animating? They are GIFS right? You need to edit each image by editing the post itself , then clicking on each image to highlight and active the edit button which shows a little pencil icon, GIFs always need to be set to “Full Size” in order to animate in your posts, we went over this a few times but it takes a bit of practice to remember the process. Lets fix it when you can :)) thank you!