Something’s Gotta Gif


If I’m being completely honest, I’m not sure what I was hoping for on the first day of CT 101. I enrolled in this class at the very last minute, in desperation of meeting the 12 credit minimum for the semester. Out of the classes left, this one, despite its ambiguous name, seemed like the most tolerable (after consulting with Rate My Professor of course)


After about 10 minutes into the class, I was smiling from ear to ear because I was so pleasantly surprised by both the professor and the course itself. Over the last few years I’ve come to think of myself as a non-artistic artist (hold on, I promise it’ll make sense). I always have these great ideas but never the skillset to execute them properly. Hearing about the course and how creative I’d have to be with assignments and sort of figure out how to give life to certain thoughts/concepts was amazing.

It’s only been a few weeks into the semester, but I can wholeheartedly say that this class has got to be my favorite one I’ve ever taken. I have been considering taking more CT classes in the future because of it. In comparison to my other courses, this is the least content heavy, yet the one I’ve learned the most in (crazy I know).

Like I mentioned before, I think this class gives me a chance to simply just voice my thoughts through different mediums of art, the possibilities are truly endless. Not to mention I get to witness everyone else do it as well. Although we all have the same assignment, everyone does a great job at making it their own, I really enjoy reading the other blog posts.

As a Computer Science major I am absolutely thrilled to learn more about the internet and its endless wonders. Hopefully I can take all that I will learn in this course and continue to build on it to create some pretty awesome stuff in the future. So far I’ve been introduced to Giphy and Imgur, two great gif repositories. After playing around with both, I prefer Giphy more because I found it easier to navigate and find content that I liked.


1 thought on “Something’s Gotta Gif”

  1. Great job on this!
    I love the title of the post, but most of all, how you narrated things in your words. The post flows like story, and the GIF embeds help the reader descend and enjoy the post.
    Thank you!
    Thank you for hyperlinking back to the sources of your GIFs and also experimenting with type / text colors!

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