CT101 Final Blog Post

So this is going to be my last post Professor said.

All emotions aside, it was a great experience! I enjoyed exploring the internet. Especially giphy, if you haven’t already noticed^^

There were 3 things that I learned, which  I am considering using in the future. GIFs, vaporwaves and how to create my own website. I am planning to add more things in my website to expose my creativity. I feel that keeping up with my website will allow me to explore myself as well. I dont know how much potential I have honestly, but I believe that starting with something like this can really help me become an open minded student.

My grade

I believe my effort matches a grade that has the letter A and a plus right next to it. Trying to be funny here! I dont know why I found it hard to save images and removing pictures from one place to another. Because of that, I think I should get an A+ because that was by far the most difficullt thing I did throughout this semester and I managed to do it! Good Job for me! I also believe that nobody should be judged by their creatiivity, so a bad grade shouldn’t exist. Am I right?!


My website will consist of traditional recipes from my mother who is from a place called Yemen. It’s in the Middle East.

Unfortunately, as of right now my wesite does not have alot of content  because I have been busy with school. But, I hope I will continue and make it better when I have a break so that I can share my culture with the people out there. I share food because I believe that just like how food brings people together, sharing food recipes can do the same thing as well. This website does not discriminate!

Speaking about my website, I struggled in the begining with buliding it. I wasn’t use to the features the website offered, so I would get frustrated. I had so many things happening, from school work to home work. It was frustrating for me to complete my work , especially with other classes in mind. But, I managed to do it! This was a fun class and I wanted to enjoy it without having to think about other things. I mean, it wasn’t awful because Profesor Seslow is an amazing teacher! But, I wanted to show more! I wanted to go out and put in!

Heres my attempts for making a vaporwave. Im getting there!

This class allowed to open up to the arts of the world! It was a pleasure being in this class. It was fun and exciting being a student in CT101!

Stay safe everybody!